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Shoshone Ojibwa's | Ojibwa Tribes
Grand Portage, Minnesota
Located in far northeastern corner of Minnesota, Grand Portage is situated next to Lake Superiors northwestern shores. Below are links to google earth photos of Grand Portage, Minnesota. Population of this Ojibway community, can't be correctly calculated because much of obvious discrepancies. Using google earth, i counted around 100 housing units within Grand Portages limits. It's town limits are within that red line on that google earth satellite image of Grand Portage. Those housing units out of Grand Portages limits, number over 50. I would estimate that Grand Portage town has a population of 250 to 300. Demographics of this community can't be determined. Small mountains are located near and around Grand Portage. Zip code of Grand Portage is 55605. Elevation is 630 feet above sea level or 190 meters above sea level.
Satellite Image Map of Grand Portage
Grand Portage From Road
Grand Portage From Road
Grand Portage From Road
Grand Portage From Road
Grand Portage From Road
Grand Portage From Road
Grand Portage From Road
Grand Portage From Road
Grand Portage From Road
Grand Portage From Road
Grand Portage From Road
Grand Portage From Road