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Shoshone Ojibwa's | Ojibwa Tribes

Moostissoostikwan, Misipawistik Reserve

Located in northern Manitoba, is this Ojibway settlement of Moostissoostikwan. The Pas, Manitoba is located nearby. Below are links to google eath photos of Moostissootikwan. It is located within Misipawistik Reserve. They did sign treaty 5 as Saulteaux Ojibway and Cree Ojibwa's as The Pas Band. Moostissoostikwan is located within an area designated E. It's population is included with the population of Opaskwayak which was 2,473 according to 2016's census. This town has over 100 dwellings. Average household size is probably over 4.0 persons per household. Population is probably near 500. Many continue to speak corrupted Ojibway. However, The Pas is not too far away which means Ojibwa Language is in decline. There is another larger Ojibwa town located 2.1 miles or 3.4 kilometers to it's southeast. It's adjacent to The Pas, Manitoba. Canada is trying to assimilate Ojibwa People. It's a distinct community. Have any idea what Moostissoostikwan means? Probably Little Moose Head! Since "Moostissoostikwan" is a combined word we don't know for certain what it means. It should be pronounced "Moos-ses O-stik-wan." Translation is "Little Moose Head." Ojibway Language diminutives are unique. Mons is an Ojibway word for moose. Adding a diminutive makes Mons become Monses or Moses. O'sti'gwa'ni'ma means "head" in Ojibway. However, use of "O-stig-wan" is far more common! In Ojibway, their word for "hat" is "wi'wa'kwan." In Cree or corrupted Ojibwa, it's "as'to'tin." Lewis and Clark called Cree Language corrupted Ojibway. That should tell you a great deal!

Moostissoostikwan Satellite Image

Moostissoostikwan Road Closeup

Moostissoostikwan Road Closeup

Moostissoostikwan Road Closeup

Moostissoostikwan Road Closeup

Moostissoostikwan Road Closeup

Moostissoostikwan Road Closeup


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