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Shoshone Ojibwa's | Ojibwa Tribes
Shawano, Michigan
This Ojibway community is located near Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan near an old Ojibway Reservation. Below are links to google earth photos of Shaw-a-no. This community belongs to the Soo Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Michigan. On March 28, 1836 a treaty was signed between the Ojibway Nation and the United States, in which white leaders were deceitful. White leaders did not want Ojibway People migrating away because they knew it meant more war. Ojibway leaders were compelled to sign 1836's treaty. They signed treaty because they were told land would be Reserved for them. Upper Michigan was ideal for a large Reservation or Reservations yet according to 1836's treaty text, Lower Michigan had several large Ojibway Reservations set aside, while Upper Michigan had small Reservations. There is evidence that all of Michigan's Upper Peninsula was set aside to be an Ojibway Reservation or was not ceded. Supposedly 1836's treaty stipulated that after 5 years all Ojibway Michigan Reservations would be eradicated. Ojibway leaders learned they were lied to about their Reservations within 6 months of signing 1836's treaty. Migrations to Canada and west followed. However, many Ojibway People stayed. They became landless. In 1902, they became chief Rocky Boy's subjects and continue to remain his subjects. In 1902, chief Rocky Boy sent a letter to President Roosevelt telling President Roosevelt that chief Rocky Boy was leader of all landless Ojibway's in various parts of the United States. Shawano is a small Ojibway community belonging to the Rocky Boy Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana and Soo Tribe. Using google earth i counted around 140 or so housing units. Population of Shawano (this community has no name i know of so i named it after Shawano Drive - Shaw-a-no may mean Southern People in Ojibway Language) is probably near 350. It was near this location where chief Sagima sent 10,000's of Ojibway Soldiers east and south, in the 16th century.
Shawano From Road
Shawano From Road
Shawano From Road
Shawano From Road
Shawano From Road
Shawano From Road
Shawano From Road
Shawano From Road