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Blood First Nation

This Ojibwa Reserve of Blood First Nation (many are descendants of Ojibwa Subjects of chief's Peguis and Rocky Boy), is located at extreme southern Alberta and northwest Montana. Their language is Corrupted Ojibwa Language. Ojibwa children were brainwashed at boarding schools. They are signatories to Treaty 7. Both Blackfeet Reservation and Blood Reserve are connected or a same Reserve. Canada refused to honor treaty! Blood historians made certain we would know! It's similar to Walpole Island Reserve and the Swan Creek and Black River Chippewas Reservation adjacent to Walpole Island Reserve in Michigan. No one know's about them. Both Canada and the United States were obviously reluctant to allow such Ojibwa Reserves. Blood Reserve was originally a part of Fort MacLeod Agency which included Peigan, Sarcee or Tsuu T'ina, Siksika and Stony. Ojibwa's of south Alberta held great hatred of the Beaver Tribe (aka Assiniboine, Cree, Keskatchewan, Sarcee and Sekani who are Assiniboine) for a good reason. In October 1870, they forced their way to south Alberta to attack an Ojibwa village where Lethbridge, Alberta now is. Siksika Reserve was possibly set aside for the Beaver Tribe. Similarities in the names Sekani and Siksika are close enough to instigate distance! Stoney Reserve was set aside for the Assiniboine (aka Sekani) and T'suu Tina Reserve were set aside for the Beaver Tribe (aka Cree and Keskatchewan). Siksika Reserve was possibly set aside for the Sekani and the Beaver Tribe. Both are the Cree. We know Cree People are the Athabascan Beaver Tribe. More research on Siksika History needs to correct this probably conspiracy. Since Algonquian is spoken at Siksika Reserve it means Ojibwa's settled at the Reserve. And they held great hatred for the Cree.

On the old maps below you'll notice the Assiniboine and Cree lived north of Churchill River and west of Lake Winnipeg. They were few in mumbers and kept close to European Forts and Trade Posts. So addicted to alcohol and drugs were they, pimping their women and killing off wild game was nothing to them. As long as if they obtained their "Fix" they were content. West of the Cree live the Assiniboine or Sekani. After those maps were drew, Ojibwa Soldiers forced the Assiniboine and Cree to retreat northwest. Chipewyan People settled their land north of Churchill River at Manitoba and Saskatchewan and settled north Alberta. Chipewyan is pronounced Chip-ah-waan. It means "Originals" in Ojibwa Language! Cree (aka Beaver and Keskatchewan and the Sekani to the west) People are really the Athabascan Beaver Tribe. There are no Cree First Nations at Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec! Below the photos are excerpts from very old books that will help you learn information on this page! Look for the 18th century maps. Instead of south to north they are from southeast to northwest. Churchill River is the north boundary. A few Assiniboine and Cree lived west of Lake Winnipeg but were driven to the northwest by 1800 by Ojibwa Soldiers. Churchill River was a boundary used in the 18th century. From Churchill, Manitoba to South Indian Lake, Manitoba to Sandy Bay, Saskatchewan to Buffalo Narrows, Saskatchewan where the source of Churchill River is, this river flows for 1,000 miles. It's source is Churchill Lake, Saskatchewan. All land north of Churchill River is Chipewyan land. Chipewyan is the correct pronunciation of O Chib-bwan or Chib-bwan which means "The Originals and Originals in Ojibwa Language."

What took place in October 1870, was a deliberate invasion to far south Alberta by the Beaver Tribe and Sekani Tribe to help whites establish forts at south Alberta. One of those forts was Fort Walsh at southwest Saskatchewan near the Cypress Hills. It was established in 1875. However, whites and their idiotic Beaver Tribe allies and Sekani Tribe allies were already near the Cypress Hills as early as 1873. That be the year of the Cypress Hills Massacre. Ojibwa Soldiers from Alberta, Montana and Saskatchewan were sent to the Cypress Hills to defend their land against the white invaders and their idiotic Ojibwa allies (the Beaver Tribe and Sekani Tribe) who were armed with repeating rifles and revolvers. Teamsters from Fort Benton, Montana brought supplies to them at the Cypress Hills. Always did the Teamsters travel in groups of 100 to 200 Teamsters who were armed with repeating rifles and revolvers. Little Bear and 100's of his idiotic Ojibwa Soldiers forced their way to a location near what is now Havre, Montana and established a military camp. After establishing the military camp in probably 1873, White Soldiers were sent to the military camp. Later they named the camp near what is now Havre, Montana Camp Assiniboine. A few years later they upgraded the military camp to Fort Assiniboine. Little Bear was from Canada as were his idiotic Beaver Tribe and Sekani Tribe Soldiers (Ojibwa Traitors). They were strong allies of the United States. Around 1873, the United States set aside Fort Assiniboine Indian Reservation for Little Bear and his idiots.

Of course, what caused Ojibwa's to fight among themselves was alcohol and drugs. All so they could get intoxicated. So addicted were they to alcohol they caused civil war among Ojibwa People. Though they only numbered a few thousand, Ojibwa Soldiers could never bring them back under Ojibwa control. European Trade Posts were strongly built. By the 1830's the revolver was invented which made the Beaver Tribe more bold. Beaver Tribe Territory was at the European Trade Posts and forts. Trade at Fort Edmonton was dangerous which caused the Beaver Tribe to keep their trade activities at more northerly European Trade Posts. Up to the 1830's, the Beaver Tribe used extreme caution while out trapping away from trade posts. Ojibwa Soldiers were always at the regions. During 1870, civil war among Ojibwa People greatly intensified. Ojibwa's were on to the ways of Fort Edmonton and knew White Soldiers and their idiotic Cree allies were preparing to invade south Alberta. What is now the Calgary region became a site where the idiotic Cree established a stronghold. Soon after establishing a stronghold at the Calgary region White Soldiers from Fort Edmonton established a military camp at the Calgary region. Ojibwa Soldiers continued to patrol their land throughout Alberta. However, White Soldiers and their idiotic Beaver Tribe Soldiers had superior weapons. That didn't always help them however! Reason for attacking Ojibwa villages at south Alberta in 1870, was to prepare to enter the war Ojibwa's were fighting against the United States. It's important for Blackfoot Ojibwa's to consider the Beaver Tribe and Sekani Tribe (the Assiniboine, Cree, Sarcee and Sekani) as traitors!

After 1876-1877's War at Alberta, Montana and Saskatchewan an exodus of Montana Ojibwa's fled to the Cypress Hills of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Dealing with Fort Walsh made the Ojibwa's nauseated yet they had to. Blood Ojibwa leaders signed Treaty 7 in 1877. On September 6, 1884, Blood Reserve was created and included Peigan. Their agency continued to exist at Fort MacLeod which also managed the Beaver Tribe T'suu Tina Reserve and the Sekani Tribe Stoney Reserve. On June 26, 1889, Peigan Reserve was created. However, Blood Reserve historians preserved very important information pertaining to not only Blood Reserve yet Peigan Reserve as well. Canada did not consult with Reserve leaders about Reserve land cession which means Blood Reserve including Peigan, are as they were in 1884.

Below are google earth photos of this Reserve and Standoff, North Cardston and Levern. 2021 on-Reserve population of Blood First Nation is 4,572. I doubt if over 4,000 people live at Blood Reserve. Number of housing units is possibly between 600 and 800. North Cardston is at Blood Reserve yet Cardston is a border town and Reserve leaders do not want to assimilate. If they assimilate they have no future. They have 1,421 dwellings with 1,170 lived in. Average household size is 3.9 persons per household. Around 1,270 people speak corrupted Ojibwa Language at this Reserve. Chief Red Crow selected land for this Reserve and whites agreed but they illegally eradicated much of this Reserve without consulting with Blood Reserve leaders. That means the land stolen remains a part of Blood Reserve! He selected land between St. Mary River and Waterton River, south to Blackfeet Reservation. Blood are an Ojibwa Tribe. Blackfeet and Blood-Peigan Reserve are one of chief Rocky Boy's many Reservations and Reserves. Around 1910 or 1911, chief Rocky Boy's brother chief Penneto, led many Ojibwa's from Blackfeet Reservation to Blood-Peigan Reserve. Chief Rocky Boys grandson or son Robert Smallboy was born at Peigan Reserve in 1898.

Land Surrenders

At Montana, American leaders were desperate to relocate as many Montana Ojibwa's as they could. Too many were clinging to their Ojibwa Nationality and prophesy (Seven Fires Prophesy) bothered them. Adjacent to Blackfeet Reservation is Blood Reserve and Peigan Reserve. Canada is not being honest on what portion of Peigan Reserve was ceded to chief Rocky Boys Montana Ojibwa's. In 1910, Canada forced either Blood Reserve or Siksika Reserve to cede 115,000 acres to chief Rocky Boys Montana Ojibwa Subects. Remember chief Penneto's actions in 1910 or 1911? We know chief Rocky Boy fled his Reservation at Blackfeet Reservation in 1910 because American leaders betrayed him by establishing Glacier National Park in 1910. Siksika Reserve might have surrendered some of their Reserve land or Blood Reserve surrendered the south portion of Blood Reserve to chief Rocky Boys Montana Ojibwa Subjects. Find evidence along the trail as prophesy tells OJibwa's to do! Peigan Reserve ceded 23,500 acres in 1909 which was the year American leaders forced many Montana Ojibwa's led by chief Rocky Boy to relocate. A total of 138,500 acres was ceded to chief Rocky Boys Montana Ojibwa Subjects in 1909 and 1910. Later, Canada betrayed them as they did with all other Reserve land surrenders!

Blood Reserve Map

Standoff Satellite Image

Standoff From Road

Standoff From Road

Standoff From Road

Standoff From Road

Standoff From Road

Standoff From Road

Standoff From Road

North Cardston Satellite Image

North Cardston From Road

North Cardston From Road

North Cardston From Road

North Cardston From Road

Levern Satellite Image

Levern From Road

Levern From Road

Levern From Road

Levern From Road

Levern From Road

Levern From Road

Levern From Road


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