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Shoshone Ojibwa's | Ojibwa Tribes
Moose Deer Point First Nation
This band of Ojibway's known as Moose Deer Point First Nation, live just east of Georgian Bay. They could possibly be from chief Rocky Boy's Montana Ojibway's. Their Reserve was set aside in 1917 which coincides with what was going on in Montana. They didn't establish Rocky Boy Reservation in 1916, they reduced chief Little Bears Reservation (aka Fort Assiniboine Indian Reservation) to under 60,000 acres and forced nearly 600 Ojibway's off Reservation. Chief Little Bear had to find new land for them. Moose Deer Point First Nation may be one location. Size of their Moose Deer Point First Nation is 7,486 hectares or 18,498 acres. On-Reserve population of Moose Deer Point First Nation is 208 according to 2016's census. They have 76 dwellings with 72 lived in. Average household size is 2.8 persons per household. Ojibway Language is no longer spoken there. Their leaders are allowing whites to invade and colonize their nation. Place your detectives and soldiers at this Ojibway Reserve. Preordain 19th century Ojibway Traditionalists to migrate north and northwest, to avoid extermination. Leaders of Moose Point that conspired with whites to exterminate Indians, will not be allowed to live again.