Misipawistik Reserve community.">
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Moose Lake First Nation
Located in east-central Manitoba, near Cedar Lake, is Moose Lake First Nation which is an Ojibway Misipawistik Reserve community. In Ojibway, Moose Lake is pronounced "Ga-mi Mos." It means "Lake Moose." Moose Lake First Nation population is 1,124 according to a 2016 census. That does not include those living with whites. They have 254 dwellings with 222 lived in. Average household size is 5.0 persons per household. Around 485 speak Corrupted Ojibway Language which is what Lewis and Clark called Cree Language, at Moose Lake First Nation. They are from Grand Rapids Ojibway's and are same people as Chemawawin, Sapotaweyak and Wuskwi Sipihk. This community is an Ojibway community. Read an excerpt from Treaty 5 below. What follows that is helpful. If you carefully look at the maps, you'll notice an awkward appearance. Instead of Lake Winnepeg being vertical, it's almost horizontal which means you have to arrange you computer screen so the maps look correct or Lake Winnepeg is vertical. There's a conspiracy at this Reserve, to promote being Cree! Your not fooling me by claiming you are Cree. I'm enforcing law! You are charged with Desertion during time of war and Forging a False National Identity during time of war. That is an extremely serious crime! Cree People are really the Athabascan Beaver Tribe. There are no Cree First Nations in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec! Below are excerpts from very old books that will help you learn!
Treaty 5
We, the Band of the Saulteaux Tribe of Indians residing at the mouth of the Saskatchewan River, on both sides thereof, having had communication of the foregoing treaty, hereby, and in consideration of the provisions of the said treaty being extended to us, transfer, surrender and relinquish to Her Majesty the Queen, Her heirs and successors, to and for the use of the Government of Canada, all our right, title and privileges whatsoever, which we have or enjoy in the territory described in the said treaty, and every part thereof, to have and to hold to the use of Her Majesty the Queen and Her heirs and successors for ever. And Her Majesty agrees, through the said Commissioners, to assign a reserve of sufficient area to allow one hundred and sixty acres to each family of five, or in that proportion for larger or smaller families-such reserve to be laid off and surveyed next year on the south side of the River Saskatchewan.