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Shoshone Ojibwa's | Ojibwa Tribes
West Bay First Nation
This band of Ojibway Indians live on Manitoulin Island. Below are several google earth photos of West Bay Reserve. Sheguiandah is 10 miles to their east. Wikwemikong is 21 miles to their east and Sucker Creek or Aundeck Omni Kaning, is 11 miles to their northeast. According to 2016's census, population of West Bay First Nation is 884. It does not include off-Reserve population. They have a total of 485 housing units or dwellings, with 386 lived in. Average household size is 2.3 persons per household which is below normal for Ojibway communities. Around 175 people speak Ojibway at this Reserve. They have two communities within their small nation. Main one is located adjacent to Lake Huron's north shores. To it's south by 1.7 miles or 2.7 kilometers, is another small community. It's about a half a mile or 0.80 kilometers west of Whitefish Lake.
West Bay Reserve Map
West Bay Satellite Image
West Bay From Road
West Bay From Road
West Bay From Road
West Bay From Road
West Bay From Road
West Bay From Road
West Bay From Road