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Battle for Los Angeles

A series of major and minor battles were fought in the Los Angeles region starting on September 22, 1846, for control of the Los Angeles region. Historians claim that the Californios battled the invading Americans. However, it was Ojibway's and Chinese that fought the white invaders. Native tribes either became allied with whites or stayed nuetral. Italian's, Russian's and Spaniard's were allied with American's. American Marines and Sailors invaded the Los Angeles region by warships of course. Some of the few battles the Americans lost in this war occurred in the battles for control of the Los Angeles region. Casualties were few. What stands out about these battles and proves Ojibway and Chinese Soldiers fought them, is the use of the lance (spear) by the so called Californios Soldiers. Anglo white Americans had been granted a land grant covering 48,000 acres in the Los Angeles region, in the 1820's. They claim the grant was validated by Mexico in 1828 but we know better. It was probably granted to Anglo white Americans, by Spanish whites living in the Los Angeles region. The event probably led to Anishinabe Soldiers stationed in the Nevada-Utah region, launching military campaigns in the Los Angeles and San Diego region, in the late 1820's or early 1830's. However, Anishinabe Soldiers were most likely fighting white invaders there in the late 18th century. The battles for control of the Los Angeles region lasted over 3 months.

September 22-30, 1846 Siege of Los Angeles

On August 13, 1846, a force of American Marines and Sailors had sailed into the Los Angeles region. They waited patiently off shore while planning for the capture of the small Ojibway settlement of Los Angeles. Led by Captain Archibald H. Gillespie, 50 American Marines made landfall then captured Los Angeles without any fighting or casualties. It is very obvious that Ojibway's did not have any inclination of what the whites were up to. Latin whites living in Los Angeles, gave the go ahead to allow the Anglo white Americans to capture Los Angeles. Soon after they were allowed the green light, 50 white Soldiers quickly built a small fort and then named it Fort Hill. That is what led Anishinabe ogimak to form a small force to battle the white invaders. The Anglo whites enforced a martial law as well, which went further into causing widespread unrest. Anishinabe Soldiers launched an assault on Fort Hill on September 22, 1846, and kept the fight up for quite some time. After an ultimatum was sent to the white invaders to get out of Los Angeles within 24 hours, Americans agreed to do as they were instructed. They were waiting for reinforcements. The 50 American Marines fled to their ships off shore and the Siege of Los Angeles ended on September 30, 1846, without any casualties. However, the white invaders knew they had already won the battle for control of the Los Angeles region. They knew Anishinabe People living in the Los Angeles region did not know what was going on! And they knew Anishinabe Soldiers were still using bows and arrows and the spear, while they had the revolver. They would not wait long before trying to recapture Los Angeles. This battle was fought where Los Angeles is.

September 26-27, 1846 Battle of Chino

Battle of Chino was fought on Chino, California's extreme southwest side, about a mile east of Chino Hills. After losing the Siege of Los Angeles, the white invaders patiently waited for more reinforcements to arrive. Meanwhile, a force of 50 Anishinabe Soldiers surrounded an adobe ranch house some 30 miles due east of Los Angeles on September 26, 1846, then launched an assault on the house in which 27 white militia were barricaded in, early the next morning. Benjamin Davis Wilson was their leader and probably one of the white conspirators who allowed the American Marines to capture Los Angeles. The 27 white militia were obviously on the run. In the battle that followed, Anishinabe Soldiers wounded 3 white militia and captured the remaining 24. They appear to have agreed to kill them all but they knew many of them were married to local women. They had to first think of their loved ones than decided to let them live. Anishinabe casualties were 1 killed and 2 wounded.

October 7, 1846 Battle of Dominiguez Rancho

This Battle was fought on what is today Compton's south side. Again the white invaders launched another military offensive to attempt to recapture Los Angeles. A force of 200 American Soldiers led by Captain William Mervine, battled a much smaller force of Anishinabe Soldiers numbering around 50 and were routed by them. Ojibway and Chinese Soldiers killed 14 of the Americans and wounded 2. Anishinabe casualties were 0. This battle indicates the number of Ojibway and Chinese Soldiers was much larger. Instead of 50 soldiers, it was closer to 1,000 to 1,500. White Soldiers had revolvers which means a force of 50 soldiers using bow's and arrow's, could not defeat a force of 200 soldiers armed with revolvers. The number of Ojibway and Chinese Soldies had to be much higher because of the revolver.

January 8, 1847 Battle of Rio San Gabriel

This Battle was fought where Pico Rivera is. By this time (early January of 1847) more American reinforcements had arrived to the Los Angeles region, from the San Diego region. When they reached the Los Angeles region, they numbered nearly 700. They were led by Robert F. Stockton and Steven Watts Kearney. It was Stockton who led a force of over 660 American Soldiers back to the Los Angeles region, in late December of 1846. On January 7, 1847, they discovered a large force of Ojibway and Chinese Soldiers located along the San Gabriel River. On next day, American Soldiers commenced to cross the river and were attacked by the brave Ojibway and Chinese Soldiers who numbered far more than white historians estimate. American Soldiers used their cannons and revolvers, to charge the brave Ojibway and Chinese Soldiers battling them. It eventually drove the brave Ojibway and Chinese Soldiers away with heavy casualties. Ojibway and Chinese casualties were 80 killed and wounded. Caution must be used with casulties of Battle of Rio San Gabriel and all other battles fought in California in 1846-1847. According to General Kearny, he considerd the enemy to be the best horse riders on earth and they carried off their killed and wounded after Battle of Rio San Gabriel. Ojibway and Chinese casulties were possibly much higher than 80 killed and wounded. White casualties were 1 killed and 13 wounded. Ojibway leaders quickly learned to withdraw from battles in which their white enemy used revolvers. They had no choice! If they allowed the battle to continue, their casulties would have been much higher.

January 9, 1847 Battle of La Mesa

This was the last battle for control of the Los Angeles region. It was fought where Vernon and East Los Angeles are situated to each other. After the January 8, 1847 Battle of Rio San Gabriel, another battle was fought which is known historically as the Battle of La Mesa, the next day. American Soldiers numbered nearly 500, while Ojibway and Chinese Soldiers numbers were much higher. Again the white Soldiers easily won this battle using their superior weapons. Ojibway and Chinese casualties were 15 killed and 25 wounded. Their real casulties were much higher! White casualties were 1 killed and 5 wounded. After a short battle, Ojibway Military commanders agreed to retreat. I suspect that some Anishinabe Soldiers fled into the mountains just east and north of Los Angeles, to carry out guerilla warfare tactics against the whites in the Los Angeles region, after this battle ended. After bringing the Los Angeles region under white control, for some reason the whites in California, focused most of their attention on the San Francisco and Sacramento region or northern California. That may have been because of gold but we can't exclude the obvious large Ojibway population living in southern California.

January 13, 1847 Treaty of Cahuenga

Ojibway leaders agreed to negotiate with American's after the Battle of La Mesa. However, they needed to get formal permission from highest ranking Ojibway leaders in Montana. Though the January 13, 1847 Treaty of Cahuenga brought peace, land cessions were forced upon Ojibway leaders and Ojibway Reservations created from those land cessions, needed proper surveying. American leaders were very aware of the large Ojibway population between Salinas and San Diego and that many continued to be hostile. Large Reservations were created that kept the peace. However, American leaders used betrayal and it yet goes on! They refuse to acknowledge the correct locations of the Ojibway Reservations which were also home to blacks and Chinese People and other native tribes. Ojibway leaders never ceded Los Angeles. It remains within their Reservation in the Los Angeles region.

It wasn't until the 1880's, when whites commenced to send large numbers of white settlers to the Los Angeles and San Diego region. Though the battles for control of the Los Angeles region are considered minor, that is misleading. Ojibway People living in the Los Angeles region, did not know there was a war going on. Their weapons were primitive yet they bravely fought for control of their land using bow's and arrow's and lances. They were not prepared for war. They could have contined the fight for control of the Los Angeles region yet they knew the native tribes would be very willing to side with whites and civil unrest among Ojibway People would happen. It dealt with the superior weapons of the whites! Ojibway leaders were not stupid!

The Los Angeles region (Los Angeles to San Bernardino) remained unsafe well into the 1870's. In fact, the region north of San Fernando Valley, where Castaic and Santa Clarita are, west to Fillmore then southwest to Oxnard and east to Simi Valley, was possibly dangerous up to 1910. Between 1890 and 1910, a Range War known as Castaic Range War was fought. Up to 40 people were killed. William Jenkins was a Los Angeles County Constable. In one incident, he was instructed to arrest a popular Mexican guitarist. It turned deadly however. The Mexican guitarist was shot dead. Afterwards, a crowd of 200 angry Mexicans paid visit to the jail William Jenkins was in. They wanted to lynch him. A sheriff was wounded while the angry Mexicans tried getting William Jenkins who survived their attempt to lynch him. He later joined the Los Angeles Rangers. The Castaic Range War was supposedly between William Jenkins and William Chormicle. Whites did not feel safe in the Los Angeles region until the very late 19th century. They were attracted to the Los Angeles Coastal Region. They knew the climate of that location was excellent. Average summer high temperatures are in the mid to low 70's. Average winter high temperatures are in the low to mid 60's. From Santa Monica to Newport Beach, the population remained small well into the 20th century. Today, that location is very valuable. The War for control of the Los Angeles region possibly lasted until 1910! It dealt with the Ojibway Reservation we will name Pasadena Ojibway Reservation.


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