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December 18, 1876 Battle of Ash Creek
This battle was part of an American 1876-77 winter military campaign against Anishinabe people. Their favorite time whites boasted of for attacking Indian villages. It was fought in what is now McCone County, Montana, near where present day Brockway, Montana is situated. Battle of Ash Creek was a part of Mullan Road War. A list of Mullan Road War battles is above. I don't know how many American Soldiers and their Indian allies fought in this battle, which may have been another massacre of innocent Indians. Lieutenant Frank Baldwin was instructed by Colonel Miles to search for Anishinabe villages in eastern Montana, south of Missouri River. American Soldiers found a small Anishinabe settlement near where present day Brockway, Montana is located. That Anishinabe settlement was home to ogima Sitting Bull. They claim that settlement had 122 lodges and was located very near Ash Creek. On Monday December 18, 1876 American Soldiers surrounded their village and commenced to using their howitzers to bombard it.
After initial howitzer assaults, a portion of their village lay in ruins which allowed American Soldiers to enter. Most Ojibway men of that village, were supposedly off hunting for what few buffalo remained. Of course, that is why American Soldiers attacked their village. After American Soldiers forced their way in, what few men there at that time, put up a good fight but were forced to flee from their village. I don't know what Ojibway casualties were in this battle. However, since most men were off hunting supposedly, it is likely American Soldiers killed many of that villages women and children and what few men there at time of battle. American Soldiers may have captured many women and children. However, i have yet to find out an exact detail of this battle. According to historians, ogima Sitting Bull was living in that village. After capturing that Ojibway village, American Soldiers destroyed it.