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Shoshone Ojibwa's | Ojibwa Tribes
October 26, 1813 Battle of Chateauguay
This battle was fought near where present day Ormstown, Quebec is situated which is 6 miles or 9.7 kilometers north of New York State. A force of 5,450 white soldiers from both New York State and Quebec, had been instructed to invade Anishinabe land west of the Montreal region, to stop raids Ojibway Soldiers launched on whites between Montreal and Quebec City, and down in the Lake Champlain region. Many of the white soldiers were also ordered to patrol the Lake Champlain region where the Algonquin's frequently launched raids on whites. One of the goals of brave Ojibway Soldiers was to single out white military storehouses to attempt to capture badly needed weapons and, especially ammunition. Many of the white settlements located around Lake Champlain were attacked by Ojibway Soldiers. The entire region from Lake Champlain to between Montreal and Quebec City, was very unsafe. The force of white soldiers reached the Ormstown region and commenced to battle a large force of Ojibway Soldiers on October 26, 1813. The battle was not a major one and probably considered by the whites as being a white victory. White casualties in the minor battle were 28 killed, 49 wounded and 33 captured by the Anishinabek then probably killed later on or enslaved. White military plans obviously included launching military campaigns against Anishinabek who lived in extreme northern New York State, and north and west of Montreal.