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Shoshone Ojibwa's | Ojibwa Tribes
May 4, 1870 Battle of Miner's Delight
Once again white invaders were up to no dam good near Wind River Reservation. Supposedly, Bannock and Shoshone had ceded Anishinabe land in that part of Wyoming to United States. It set off a series of Ojibway assaults on white invaders who illegally settled down to live in that region of Wyoming. On Wednesday May 4, 1870 Ojibway soldiers were busy attacking illegal white settlers and in response to those raids, white invaders sent out a force only 11 white soldiers led by Captain David S. Gordon and Lieutenant Charles B. Stambaugh. Anishinabe population in that region of Wyoming was not great. According to historians only around 60 Anishinabe Soldiers fought in this battle. It was won by whites. White casualties were 1 killed (Stambaugh) and 1 wounded. Anishinabe casualties were 8 killed and 2 wounded.