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Shoshone Ojibwa's | Ojibwa Tribes

September 21-24, 1846 Battle of Monterey, Mexico

After bringing Matamoros under white control, Gen. Zachary Taylor led over 6,000 American Soldiers to the city of Monterey, Mexico, from the Matamoros (Brownsville, Texas) region. After losing control of Matamoros, those Anishinabe Soldiers who escaped from being captured by whites, fled to the Monterey region to reinforce the Anishinabe Soldiers there. They knew the whites were going to attempt to capture the important Mexican city of Monterey. Anishinabe Soldiers numbered around 9,000 but Anishinabe military commanders knew the whites had a new terrifying weapon (the revolver) and were anticipating the worse. On September 21, 1846, the battle for control of Monterey, Mexico commenced. It would be a long battle in which the Anishinabe Army did as much as they could with the outdated weapons they had. By September 24, 1846, Anishinabe military commanders quickly grew very frustrated with the casualties their brave soldiers were endurring, and the Americans were just as exhausted from the fighting. They requested for a truce and Gen. Taylor agreed. Taylor agreed to a two month armistice in return for Monterey, Mexico. Anishinabe casualties were 367 killed and wounded. White casualties were 488 killed and wounded, as well as 43 missing. Although the Anishinabe Soldiers got the best of the American Soldiers, they were obviously at a disadvantage. That be lack of weapons and ammunition and the whites having the revolver. It was a devastating loss Anishinabe military commanders had to accept.


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