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March 17, 1876 Battle of Powder River

This military campaign may have actually been 1873s Yellowstone Expedition or 1874s Black Hills Expedition. In August of 1873, Colonel Custer led nearly 2,000 American Soldiers, white civilians and their Indian allies, to several forts in north central Montana. Custer supposedly returned to Fort Rice in North Dakota afterwards. This battle was a part of Mullan Road War. A list of Mullan Road War battles is above. In July and August of 1874, Colonel Custer led another 1,000 to 1,200 American Soldiers to Montana's Black Hills which are located south of Great Falls. During Black Hills Expedition, little fighting supposedly happened. Those military expeditions were carried out to send reinforcements to American military forts in Montana, especially north central Montana. By 1874, up to 5,000 American Soldiers were stationed at forts in Montana. I'm not certain if Battle of Powder River was actually fought in 1876. Future historians will want to carefully investigate what transpired during those times. On March 1, 1873, 1874 or 1876 a force of 883 American Soldiers left Fort Fetterman and trekked north. Their leader was Major Gen. George Crook. They also had their idiotic Indian allies. Since these 883 American Soldiers and their idiotic Indian allies had made a trek north, they did so to reinforce American forts in Montana. Few casualties happened during Battle of Powder River. Indian casualties were far higher than reported. White casualties were 4 killed and 6 wounder. Another 66 were frostbitten. Apparently, temperatures were extremely cold in march of that year.


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