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July 17, 1877 Battle of Weippe Prairie

This is another battle that was fought near Grangeville, Idaho, between Ojibway Soldiers and American Soldiers. Others included Battle of White Bird Canyon and Battle of the Clearwater. Another battle was fought near Cottonwood, Idaho which is 13 miles northwest of Grangeville, Idaho and closer to Nez Perce Reservation. Cottonwood, Idaho is 2 miles from Nez Perce Reservation. Grangeville is less than 7 miles from Nez Perce Reservation. Battle of Weippe Prairie was a part of Mullan Road War. A list of Mullan Road War battles is above. General Otis Howard instructed Major Edward Mason to attempt to halt an Anishinabe exodus or attack an Ojibway village located on an original Nez Perce Reservation American leaders illegally eradicated. On Tuesday July 17, 1877 American Soldiers led by Major Mason, found an Anishinabe village and commenced to travel to it. However, Anishinabe scouts were on their lookout for white invaders and learned about an approach of American Soldiers and ambushed them. All American Soldiers could do was find concealment and defend themselves. Ojibway Soldiers routed those American Soldiers led by Major Mason. Ojibway Soldiers killed 1 white soldier and wounded 2 others. Battles for control of Nez Perce Reservation commenced on Sunday June 17, 1877 and ended on Tuesday July 17, 1877. American Soldiers next targeted an Ojibway village in Big Hole Valley, Montana.


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