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Custers Last Stand June 25, 1876

This infamous battle supposedly occurred shortly after Battle of the Rosebud and not too far away. However, too much suspicion exists to claim a date this battle is recorded to have been fought, is correct. It may have been fought on August 11, 1873 or was a part of Custers 1874 Black Hills Expedition. A Battle of Bighorn was fought on August 11, 1873 in Montana. You must remember that this battle was fought at Crow Reservation which means it was fought somewhere else. Crow People were allies of American's. Battle of the Little Big Horn is a part of Mullan Road War. Above is a list of Mullan Road War Battles. Three American military forces took part in this military campaign that culminated at Battle of the Little Big Horn. One came from Fort Shaw led by Colonel Gibbin, and another force came from an eastern location or most likely Fort Benton led by General Alfred Terry (Custer was among them), and another came up from a southerly location including Fort Ellis and Fort Logan, who were led by General Crook. Crooks forced consisted of 1,050 American Soldiers and 261 of their idiotic Indian allies or 1,311. Terry's force supposedly consisted of 647 American Soldiers, and Gibbin's force may have been largest. However, Fort Benton may have had far more soldiers and Fort Assiniboine had 100's if not near a 1,000 American Soldiers, so Terry's force may have actually been largest when including their idiotic Ojibway allies. It's possible American Soldiers from Fort Ellis were among Gibbin's soldiers. Total number of American Soldiers and their idiotic Indian allies, may have been between 3,000 and 5,000. I suspect their target was an Ojibway village at Great Falls of Missouri River. Nearly all American Soldiers and their idiotic Indian allies were killed. Those who were not killed, were saved by Colonel Gibbin who took Reno's survivors to Fort Shaw. American Soldiers stationed at Fort Benton, Fort Ellis, Fort Logan and Fort Shaw and other Montana forts, paricipated in a failed American Military Expedition against Ojibways of north central Montana. Total number of American Soldiers who participated may have been higher than 5,000. Ojibway casualties were very heavy. Afterwards, they commenced to plan an exodus to a western location and to Alberta's and Saskatchewan's Cypress Hills. Chiefs Big Bear, Rocky Boy and Sitting Bull led them to Canada. Chief Big Bears son chief Little Bear, sided with the American's. He allowed American's to build a fort within his Reservation known historically as Fort Assiniboine Indians Reservation which is now known as Rocky Boy's Reservation. Chief Little Bear led 1,000's of his idiotic Ojibway Soldiers to join with a 1,000 or so American Soldiers stationed at Fort Assiniboine. They made have attacked 3 or Ojibway villages in the Great Falls region. The one at Giant Springs is where the heaviest casualties happened. More research must be conducted to find out where this battle happened at.


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