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Shoshone Ojibwa's | Ojibwa Tribes
Great Raid of 1840
After the Council House Fight, prophesy driven Anishinabe ogimak, ordered a large force of their brave soldiers to launch massive raids against the white invaders to their east. One group of Anishinabe Soldiers launched a raid first at what is now the Victoria, Texas region and eastward. They destroyed much of Victoria. They killed, wounded, took captive, and stole as much from the white invaders as they could. Meanwhile, another large force of Anishinabe Soldiers launched raids down in to the southeast of Texas. Anishinabe Soldiers attacked the white settlement of Linnville, Texas, which was located on the Gulf of Mexico coast, northeast of Corpus Christi, and southwest of Houston, destroying the entire white town. Historians claim it was the largest Indian raid against the United States. That means 100's to 1,000's of whites were killed, wounded or captured during this massive Anishinabe military offensive. In response to the massive Anishinabe military offensive, a force of some 200 white Soldiers was raised to attempt to stop the Anishinabe military offensive and get back stolen property. I have no idea how many whites were killed, wounded and taken captive by enraged Anishinabe Soldiers.