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Big Cypress Reservation

This Ojibwa Reservation is located at southern Florida, just south of Lake Okeechobee. Below is a link to a map of Big Cypress Reservation and links to google earth photos of their town. Big Cypress Reservation is located just south of a location where many farms are. American leaders are possibly up to no good at Big Cypress Reservation. During 2010's census, they reported that Big Cypress Reservation had a population of 591. Natives made up 71.9% of the population. Whites 11.2%. Mixed bloods 11.5%. During 2020's census, they reported that Big Cypress Reservation has a population of 239. Whites make up 38.9% of the population. Natives 22.6%. The native population went from 425 in 2010 to 54 in 2020. That is extremely alarming! If that's correct it means Big Cypress Reservations Ojibwa population decreased by nearly 90%, between 2010 and 2020. White leaders are possibly getting themselves in trouble with the future. At adjacent Miccosukee Reservation no natives live there. During 2010's census, they reported that Miccosukee Reservations population was 406. Ojibwa's made up 0 of the population. Whites 59.9% or 243. Blacks 30.3% or 123. Mixed bloods 6.4% or 26. During 2020's census, they reported that Miccosukee Reservation has a population of 535. Ojibwa's made up 0 of the population. Whites 61.7% or 330. Blacks 0.0%. The black population went from 123 to 0 between 2010 and 2020. Mixed bloods make up 37.6% or 201. All non white leaders must take this extremely seriously.

Historically, this region of Florida, played an important role in Native American history. From Great Lakes region, Ojibway Nations military totem (Noka or Maka), forced their way southwards to northern Florida, after they successfully invaded a region east of Lake Superior. This happened in mid 16th century. Their main leader was chief Sagima. He led large numbers of Ojibway Soldiers and their families to islands in Lake Huron and Lake Michigan, from either a western location or southwestern location. They favored Manitoulin Island or Insects Island. From there, he sent large numbers of Ojibway Soldiers east, north and south. They were there to defend Indian land against whites. Those Ojibway Soldiers and their families that were sent south, eventually reached north Florida. They commenced to war upon Italian and Spanish invaders. In Florida, Ojibway People are known as Shawnee and Yuchi yet Seminole is possibly an Ojibway word. At first they fought Latin's or Italians and Spaniards, then they commenced to fight English invaders then American invaders. After a third war between Seminole People and Americans ended in May of 1858, very few Seminole People remained in Florida. Most fled to Caribbean Islands or South America, while many others relocated to Oklahoma. There were no Seminole Reservations in Florida after 1858.

Montana Ojibway's were forced to leave their vast Montana Reservation commencing around 1887. Relocations intensified in 1895-1896. One location American leaders selected to send Montana Ojibway's to was south Florida which was ideal because of it's wetlands. By early 20th century, these Montana Ojibway's led by chief Rocky Boy, were scattered throughout south Florida. Reservations were eventually set aside for them commencing in 1907, when Dania Reservation was set aside in that year. By 1913, there were 18 Seminole Reservations in Florida. It coincides with increased forced Relocations of Montana Ojibway's led by chief Rocky Boy. Seminole People of Florida have forgotten about these old events. Chief Rocky Boy never ceded Reservation nor did he ever surrender. In 1891, American leaders established an Indian Agency at Immokalee. They supposedly created a Reservation there covering one township or 36.0 sq. mi. or 93.2 sq. km. No Seminoles moved to their Reservation and they closed Immokalee Indian Agency in 1900. They wouldn't do that as a result of their policy. Several Reservations were located east of Lake Okeechobee in 1907 and after. During those times land east of Lake Okeechobee was not yet productive. By 1930, it had changed.

On June 28, 1911, what is now Big Cypress Reservation, was created for Ojibway's when President Taft made it legitimate. Big Cypress Reservation originally covered 26,781 acres or 10,838 hectares. In 1909, Indian Service Inspector Frank Churchill (he negotiated with chief Rocky Boy in 1908 and 1909) made out a report on what Government intentions about Seminoles of Florida should be. He wrote that Seminole People need looking after or they have to become civilized. He knew these Ojibway's would continue their old way of life and that's what happened. Though many settled at Big Cypress Reservation, what is now Everglades National Park, was more appealing to them. He warned them what would happen. It took over 50 more years before they found out too late. They possibly invaded Cuba. During 19th century, land south of Lake Okeechobee was set aside for Shawnee Ojibwa's. It was taken from the larger Ojibwa Reservation that was located from south of Orlando to Lake Okeechobee. 19th century maps usually indicated the Reservation as Seminole Hunting Territory. It extends from Lake Okeechobee to the Florida Keys. In 1934, it was singled out to become a National Park. That's what Churchill warned them about. Many agreed to relocate yet others had other ideas. Today Big Cypress Reservation has a land area of 84,915 acres or 34,364 hectares. Including Miccosukee Reservation which was a land addition to Big Cypress Reservation in 1960, it has a land area of 188,915 acres or 76,451 hectares. Their on-Reservation population is 591 according to 2010's census.

Map of Big Cypress Reservation & Miccosukee

Big Cypress Road View

Big Cypress Road View

Big Cypress Road View

Big Cypress Road View

Big Cypress Road View

Big Cypress Road View

Big Cypress Road View

Big Cypress Road View

Big Cypress Road View

Big Cypress Road View

Big Cypress Road View

Big Cypress Road View

Big Cypress Road View

Big Cypress Road View

Demographics of Big Cypress Reservation

Land Area: 295.2 sq. mi. or 764.5 sq. km.

Population: Will not include population demographics. American leaders are possibly up to no good. If they are, they will deal with the future.

Language: Corrupted


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