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Shoshone Ojibwa's | Ojibwa Tribes

Grand Portage Reservation

It's location is in extreme northeast Minnesota adjacent to Lake Superior and Fort William Reserve at Ontario. In Ojibwa Language, Grand Portage is pronounced "Chi On-i-gum or just Chi Gum." Since 1901, Grand Portage Reservations Ojibwa population has changed little. In 1901, it's Ojibwa population was 323. In 1930, it's Ojibwa population was 377. In 2010, it's Ojibwa population was 382. This Ojibwa Reservation is somewhat mountainous. Including Fort William Reserve, the mountainous terrain is more extensive. Grand Portage Reservation has a land area of 74.4 sq. mi. or 192.7 sq. km. There's a significant white population within this Ojibwa Reservation as a result of illegal land allotments. This Ojibwa Reservation was at one time considered a Former Reservation. It was reported in 1920, that Grand Portage Reservation owned no land. That would classify Grand Portage Reservation as being a former Reservation. Nelson Act of January 14, 1889 allotted 24,191.31 acres to 304 Ojibwa's. Another 208.24 acres was reserved for agency and wood purposes. What was left was 16,041.97 acres which was opened to white settlement. American leaders schemed to relocate all Minnesota Ojibwa's and Montana Ojibwa's to White Earth Reservation and eradicate their Reservatuions. During October 1898, a minor rebellion broke out at Pokagomin Reservation (aka Leech Lake Reservation) over 1889's Nelson Act which eradicated all Minnesota Ojibwa Reservations except Red Lake Reservation and White Earth Reservation. After the conflict, the United States returned the Ojibwa Reservations eradicated by 1889's Nelson Act. Grand Portage Reservation is an Ojibwa Reservation adjacent to Fort William Ojibwa Reserve which is located at northwest Ontario. On March 21, 1917 an Executive order set aside two islands for Reservation purposes. Below is an excerpt from a September 1914 news article, about chief Rocky Boy's Ojibwa Subjects. Chief Rocky Boy was negotiating with Secretary of the Interior Lane, about securing new Reservations for his landless Ojibwa Subjects. They promised to stay out of Mexico's Civil War. It had nothing to do with Europes Conflict! On January 14, 1902 chief Rocky Boy sent letter to President Roosevelt telling him that chief Rocky Boy was leader of landless Ojibwa's in various locations in the United States. More investigations must be conducted to find evidence of a new Grand Portage Reservation being established in 1914.

Demographics of Grand Portage Reservation

Land Area: 74.4 sq. mi. or 192.7 sq. km. (it's probably larger)

Population: 382

Language: Corrupted


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