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Nez Perce Reservation

Located in northern Idaho State, Nez Perce Reservation has a bitter past and a corrupted history written for them by whites. Why? An obvious Ojibwa presence in that region of North America! Below is a map of an 1867 map of Nez Perce Reservation. You'll notice it's boundaries are quite different. It extends further east closer to Montana. It's only 23 miles west of Montana. Today's Nez Perce Reservation is 65 miles or 104.6 kilometers west of Montana. There's also a photo of Joseph with his good buddy Colonel Gibbon. Nez Perce People are Amikwa or Amikah Ojibwa's who were also known as Beaver People. In fact, Ah-mik-wa or Ah-mik-ah might mean Beaver People! They are more closely related to Algonquin Ojibwa's. Amikwa Ojibwa's lived near where Lake Nipissing is located at at Ontario. Italians named them the Nose Pierced People. In Italian it's pronounced Na-so Tra-fit-to.

Original Nez Perce Reservation was set aside on June 11, 1855. On June 9, 1863, what is today's Nez Perce Reservation, was created. However, William J. Keelers 1867 map is authentic which means today's Nez Perce Reservation has incorrect boundaries. I can't provide demographics of Nez Perce Reservation for a simple reason. It's boundaries are not authentic. South Fork Clearwater River to Middle Fork Clearwater River or where they merge, is close to this Reservations west boundary which is probably Clear Creek. It follows Clear Creek southeast to a point 2.6 miles northeast of Clearwater, Idaho or where Big Cedar Creeks mouth is. In a straight line, the south boundary then leads to a location where Selway River (aka Bear Creek) branches a couple of miles southeast of Shearer Peak. It follows a straight line north to where North Fork Moose Creeks (aka Selway River) mouth is which is almost directly east of Shissler Peak Lookout. From North Fork Moose Creeks mouth, the north boundary follows a straight line to where Maggie Creek is 7 miles northeast of Maggie Creeks mouth then to Maggie Creeks mouth. From where Selway River (aka Bear Creek) branches a couple of miles southeast of Shearer Peak, to where Clear Creek is 2.6 miles northeast of Clearwater, Idaho or the mouth of Big Cedar Creek, it's 50 miles. From Clear Creeks mouth to a location 7 miles to the northeast to where Maggie Creek is at it's northern most, then straight to the mouth of North Fork Moose Creek (aka Selway River) is, is the north boundary of Nez Perce Reservation. It's 50 miles from mouth of North Fork Moose Creek to Maggie Creeks mouth. From south to north it's probably close to 10 miles miles on average. Size of Nez Perce Reservation is close to 500 sq. mi.

Nearly all of this Reservations land is very mountainous. There are some farms at it's west portion. Bitterroot Valley at far west Montana, is located 40 miles east of Nez Perce Reservation. An indication that Nez Perce Reservation could be Bitterroot Valley Reservation. This Reservation has been extremely violated! There is only one Nez Perce town and that's Lapwai. However, it's location is very near Washington State. Did the United States force Ojibwa's to relocate west of Kooskia? According to 2010's census, Lapwai has a population of 1,137. The Nez Perce make up 888 of it's population or 78.1% of Lapwai's population. There's probably a few hundred more Nez Perce living in white towns throughout Nez Perce Reservation.

Leaders of Nez Perce Reservation must contest Keelers 1867 map. Nez Perce Reservation is much larger. Nez Perce is a Latin name meaning Nose Pierced. Nez Perce are supposedly French words. Nez means nose and perce means pierce. French pronounce Nez Perce as Knee Peer-see. Somehow a different pronunciation followed. Now it's pronounced Nez Purse. The 'nez' almost sounds like 'nose.' I'm not certain if Nez Perce is a Latin word. The French pronounce pierced the same as they do perce which is peer-see. Closest to being correct is Nose Pierced which sounds very close to Nez Perce. If a 'd' was added to 'perce,' than Nez Perced would almost sound identical to Nose Pierced. That's pronouncing 'perce' as peers instead of peer-see. Nez Perce are English words. Definition is Nose Pierce!


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