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Northern Cheyenne Reservation of Montana
It is one of chief Rocky Boys Reservations. Below are links to google earth photos of Lame Deer and maps of Northern Cheyenne Reservation. Among Montana's eight Native American Reservations, are Crow and Northern Cheyenne Reservation. These Reservations are considered connected. Since these two Reservations are connected, it obviously means that they are one Reservation. United States deals with each Reservation as each are sovereign nations however. After American leaders commenced to utilize 1887's filthy Dawes Act in early 1900s, many Ojibway's (Crow who are really Gros Ventre who are Algonquin or Ojibway and Cheyenne who are also Ojibway) became very concerned about their Reservation they shared with Arikara and Mandan Indians, they had once subjugated. These Reservations have a suspcious historical past and their correct boundaries now, are possibly not correct. Northern Cheyenne Reservation was created on November 26, 1884. Probably as a land addition to Crow Reservations land base. On September 17, 1851, Treaty of Fort Laramie was signed and it created Crow Reservation. Ojibway leaders knew whites would come back demanding land. That happened on May 7, 1868. A vast area of Crow Reservation in Montana and Wyoming was ceded on May 7, 1868. It left Crow Reservation with a large Reservation in Montana, extending from Yellowstone River on it's west, to it's current east boundary, covering 8 million acres. On October 20, 1875, American leaders added land to Crow Reservation on it's north or north of Yellowstone River. This October 20, 1875 Treaty is suspicious. Another treaty was supposedly signed between Crow leaders and Northern Cheyenne leaders in 1875, which set Little Big Horn Rivers mouth as a boundary. All land adjacent to and west of Big Horn Horn River, was approved as being Crow land. All land adjacent to and east of Big Horn River, was approved as being Northern Cheyenne land. During summer of 1875, Crow, Northern Cheyenne and possibly American negotiators met for negotiations near what is now Busby, Montana. It's that treaty that's more important. It may have been approved by American leaders on October 20, 1875.
They signed this treaty without American participation which is, as mentioned, suspicious. There's two treaties. American leaders knew land south of Yellowstone River was largely mountainous. North of Yellowstone River, it's quite opposite. There's much farmland. October 20, 1875's Treaty was revoked on March 8, 1876. On June 12, 1880, American leaders again broke treaty. They demanded Crow Reservations western portion. Remember that there are two treaties pertaining to Crow Reservations west. June 12, 1880's Treaty and March 3, 1891's Treaty. They demanded land from Big Timber to Livingston with Yellowstone River as a boundary. It followed Yellowstone River south to Montana's border with Wyoming. This obviously puzzled Crow leaders because nearly all of that land cessions land is mountainous. There are 5 towns located within that area. Bear Creek, Big Timber, Corwin Springs, Springdale and Red Lodge are located within that region. Only Bear Creek and Red Lodge are actually located entirely within that region. This June 12, 1880 Treaty must be disputed. A narrow region from Livingston south to Emigrant has some farmland. All remaining land is mountainous. It has Montana's tallest mountains. There's reasonable doubt to reject June 12, 1880's Treaty. Ojibway leaders demanded land whites didn't want. Whites did not want mountainous land. They wanted farmland. So June 12, 1880's Treaty is definitely suspicious. In all probability, June 12, 1880's Treaty set aside Crow Reservations western portion, from Big Timer to Livingston then follows Yellowstone River to Wyoming, to be a new Crow Reservation.
Land between Big Horn River to this new Crow Reservation created on June 12, 1880, was ceded. It actually may have happened in 1875. As Crow leaders expected, American leaders came back to them demanding their Reservations west portion. It had considerable farmland and land for cattle raising or ranching. This happened on March 3, 1891. This March 3, 1891 Treaty is very suspicious. It took 10 years to resolve. It probably dealt with June 12, 1880's Treaty. Ojibway leaders wanted that land. It has a land area of nearly 2 million acres. Northern Cheyenne Reservation was probably added to Crow Reservation to compensate loss of their Reservations west. More investigating must follow. Below are maps that can help you understand this information. There was yet more land American leaders wanted. It was Crow Reservations northern portion. It eventually had an impact on Northern Cheyenne Reservation. This is how we know Crow and Northern Cheyenne Reservation are chief Rocky Boy's Reservations. On August 14, 1899, American leaders demanded Crow Reservations northern portion. It was ratified on April 27, 1904. A few years before it was ratified or around 1901, an Ojibway leader named chief Day Child, contacted chief Rocky Boy telling him they had to do something before they ratified August 14, 1899's Treaty. Both chief Rocky Boy and chief Day Child, gathered 100's of Ojibway's from Crow Reservations north and migrated to a location south of Anaconda. They had no choice. They knew they would be removed from Reservation rolls or forced off Reservation. Not all left because of land allotments. On March 19, 1900, over 100 sq. mi. of land was added to Northern Cheyenne Reservation 371,200 acres or 580 sq. mi. or 1,502.2 sq. km. It was for chief Rocky Boy's Ojibway Subjects. This land addition is located from west bank of Tongue River to Crow Reservations east boundary. However, i found an old newspaper article from Sunday March 2, 1902's Oregonian which detailed 600 sq. mi. or 1,554 sq. km. being added to Northern Cheyenne Reservation. It increased it's land area from 580 sq. mi. to 1,180 sq. mi. (600 sq. mi. or 1,554 sq. km. was added to Northern Cheyenne Reservation) or 1,502.2 sq. km. to 3,056.2 sq. km. They need to investigate to make certain. Below is an excerpt from that March 2, 1902 news article. To shorten this information, it's 1875's Treaty that we have to adhere to. It set Big Horn River as a west boundary. Then on June 12, 1880, a new Crow Reservation was set aside. Below are maps to help you understand this information. It's evidence Northern Cheyenne Reservation is Crow Reservation and Crow Reservation is really located further west, from Big Timber to Livingston, to Montana's border with Wyoming. Carefully investigate West Crow Reservations map. Notice two rivers resembling Big Horn River and Little Big Horn River? Those maps are very corrupt.
Lame Deer Road View
Lame Deer Road View
Lame Deer Road View
Lame Deer Road View
Lame Deer Road View
Lame Deer Road View
Lame Deer Road View
Lame Deer Road View
Lame Deer Road View
Lame Deer Road View
The Demographics
Crow-Northern Cheyenne Reservation
Crow Agency - 59022 - 166.0 sq. mi.
2010 population is 1,945
Indian is 1,855
White is 109
Black is 5
Mexican is 35
Asian is 3
Lame Deer - 59043 - 408.0 sq. mi.
2010 population is 2,950
Indian is 2,814
White is 150
Black is 15
Mexican is 137
Asian is 2
Garryowen - 59031 - 70.2 sq. mi.
2010 population is 419
Indian is 398
White is 11
Black is 0
Mexican is 0
Asian is 0
Ashland Town - can't use zip code area because most is off Reservation - 20.7 sq. mi.
2010 population is 824
Indian is 539
White is 75 estimate - 242 (most live off-Reservation in Ashland adjacent to the Reservation)
Black is 0
Mexican is 12
Asian is 0
Birney Town - can't use zip code area because most is off-Reservation - 15.0 sq. mi.
2010 population is 119
Indian is 119
White is 0
Black is 0
Mexican is 0
Asian is 0
Lodge Grass - 59050 - 613.5 sq. mi.
2010 population is 1,715
Indian is 1,415
White is 311
Black is 7
Mexican is 27
Asian is 6
Wyola - 59089 - 248.0 sq. mi.
2010 population is 467
Indian is 341
White is 128
Black is 0
Mexican is 12
Asian is 0
St. Xavier - 59075 - 291.6 sq. mi. - most is located west of Big Horn River
2010 population is 289
Indian is 182
White is 102
Black is 0
Mexican is 7
Asian is 0
Pryor - 59066 - 300.0 sq. mi.
2010 population is 701
Indian is 592
White is 111
Black is 0
Mexican is 17
Asian is 1
Indian Population: 8,255
Mexican Population: 247
White Population: 997
Black Population: 27
Crow-Northern Cheyenne Reservation Communities - those with a UO represent Unorganized
Benteen (UO)
Broken Jaw (UO)
Crooked Arm (UO)
Crow Agency
Juddy (UO)
Killsnight (UO)
Lost Leg (UO)
Lame Deer
Lodge Grass
Redbird (UO)
South Dunmore (UO)
Spear (UO)
Stebbins (UO)
Sunday Creek (UO)
St. Xavier