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Tamichopa Kikapu Reservation of Sonora, Mexico
It is about 74 miles or 119 kilometers south of the Arizona-New Mexico border. This Ojibway (Kickapoo People are Ojibway - if they spoke Ojibway it means their Ojibway) Mexican Reservation, at one time was quite vast. It probably extended east into Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas and south to Jalisco and Nayarit. It was stolen from them by whites sometime before 1910 or during Mexico's Civil War. Knowledge of knowing they were going to steal this Mexican Ojibway Reservation and others, caused 1910-1920's Mexican Civil War. Today, there are around 150 to 200 of these Ojibway Kikapu People living near Douglas and Wilcox, Arizona. Both are very near their old Chiricahua Apache Reservation of southeastern Arizona. They are, in fact, Chiricahua Apache. In 1915, there were around 2,000 Indians historians named Nomadic Pimas, living in extreme southern Arizona. They moved to Papago Reservation after it was created in 1916-1917 or as early as 1909. However, many remained landless and retained their Anishinabe identity. They are not liked in Arizona simply for keeping their Anishinabe identity alive. Doing research online i learned that in 1906 the senate of the United States held hearings about the Kickapoo Indians of Mexico. Their (Kikapuu) lawyer, Martin J. Bentley, told the senate of the United States, that the Kickapoo Indians of Mexico chose the fineness grazing land in all of Mexico and owned over 238,000 acres of land where they grazed over 10,000 head of cattle. Since the average cow needs 10 to 14 acres for feeding, the size of the Ojibway Reservation must be correct. They claimed their land was an enormous basin which was fenced in by mountains which rose to nearly 9,000 feet in elevation. And beyond their mountains lay the great desert wastes of Mexico (the State of Chihuahua) where water is almost depleted by the desert climate conditions. The hearings were to learn more about the Mexican Ojibway People who continued to be very defiant in Mexico at the time. Many Mexicans supported them. The whites were already conspiring to invade Mexico to attempt to bring down Ojibway power in Mexico. Their Reservation was located about 40 leagues or 120 miles or 193 kilometers northwest of Muzquiz, Coahuila, Mexico. However, it was not affiliated with Nacimiento Kikapu Reservation near Muzquiz. It was adjacent to or very near Texas.
An unknown event (their great want to stay awat from whites) forced many to leave their territory and migrate to Sonora, Mexico. They settled with other Ojibway People native to that region. Tamichopa, Sonora is 5.2 miles or 8.4 kilometers south of Bacerac, Sonora and is situated adjacent to Rio Bavispe or Bavispe River, where it enter mountains (part of Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains) that take it to Chihuahua. This location was vital to Ojibway People. Tamichopa was probably their capital. They controlled nearly all of Rio Bavispe. They also controlled Rio Huachinera much further south or all of Sonora's east mountains and Chihuahua's west mountains, as far south as Jalisco and Nayarit. Both are Mexican States. This small Ojibway Kikapu village is surrounded by mountains. There are some farms slightly to their west and northwest. In 1886, chief Geronimo was continuing his war against American's. It was about old Chiricahua Reservation and sending Ojibway People from Arizona and New Mexico, south to Mexico. Chief Geronimo surrendered on September 4, 1886. He agreed to move back to Arizona, where he and his people awaited being relocated to Florida. Most opted to relocate to south Florida, while many others moved to Oklahoma. What they don't want you knowing, is 1,000's of Ojibway's continued to live in southeast Arizona. Even more lived in Sonora and Chihuahua, Mexico and as far south as Jalisco and Nayarit as well. Chief Rocky Boy became leader of landless Ojibway's of Arizona around 1901 yet possibly earlier. He negotiated on their behalf for a new Reservation. Today, it's known as Papago Reservation (aka Tohono O'odham Reservation) which was supposedly created in 1916 yet 1909 is possibly when they created or expanded Papago Reservation. It may have actually happened around 1902 or 1903. St. Xavier Reservation was originally known as Papago Reservation. Land was added to it through chief Rocky Boy's negotiations. On January 14, 1902, chief Rocky Boy sent a letter to President Roosevelt telling him he was leader of landless Ojibway's in various locations in the United States, in need of Reservations. They denied his request for new Reservations yet accepted his proposal to allow his Ojibway Subjects to settle on land not surveyed (on unallotted Reservation land and land additions to Reservations) and St. Xavier Reservation (aka Papago Reservation and Tohono O'odham Reservation) was one of them. Instead of an Ojibway Reservation, Tamichopa was capital of most of northwest Mexico. Ojibway Soldiers controlled all mountains from Chihuahua and Sonora, to Jalisco and Nayarit.