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Assiniboine Indians
These people are really Ojibway. We can tell they are Ojibway for one reason. Their tribal name of Assiniboine. It's an Ojibway word. In Oji-bwa Language, their word for rock and stone is Asin or A-sin-ni if Rocky or Stoney is used. That's not all. We have to include "bwa" as well. In Oji-Bwa Language, they have several words for before. They include "nond" and also "Bwa" and also "Tchi Bwa" and "Bwa Mashi." However, before also represents "first and original." Oji-bwa means "First People and Original People." It's derived from "Tchi Bwa." Notice how similar to "Chippewa" it sounds? Adding an Ojibway "n" plural to Bwa makes it "Bwaan." Assinibwaan means Stoney Ojibwa's. Correct pronunciation of Assiniboine is As-sin-ni Bwaan. Don't tell that to Assiniboine People because they'll likely get upset. They've been brainwashed. They must read Seven Fires Prophecy. These Ojibway People are native to Alberta and Montana or them Rocky Mountains. They are a lost Ojibway Tribe. According to 1832's Edinburgh Encyclopedia, Ojibway People forced their way east from a western and southwestern location. Those Ojibway's from Alberta and Montana (Assiniboine), forced their way to Quebec's St. Lawrence River Valley. They then forced their way south and east. This happened in mid or late 16th century. Their leader may have been O-gi-ma Sa-gi-ma. In New York and Quebec, they are known as Seneca. Correct pronunciation of Seneca, which is an Ojibway word, is As-sin-ni-ca. It possibly means "Stoney Person or Stoney People." Included as being Seneca are Cayuga, Oneida and Onondaga. Cherokee and Mohawk People are closely related. Assiniboine Indians have quite a few Reservations and Reserves. Most are located in Canada.