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Black River Swan Creek Chippewa's

These Ojibway People are the famous Cherokee. However, they (the Cherokee) are really Ojibway People or Algonquian and will not accept this information. The bogus Cherokee and many other Iroquois Tribes, formed alliances with whites and helped whites colonize North America. They even joined white soldiers to fight against the mighty Native American. It was not the Cherokee who went off on the so called Cherokee Trail of Tears, in 1838-1839, it was the Black River and Swan Creek Chippewa's who commenced the so called 1838-1839 Trail of Tears. They were possibly (not certain because of the age of this historical event) led by chief Eshtonoquot. He is also known as Francis Mahkoonse. His family was well off in Kansas and were not traditionalists! In Ojibway, Mah-koonse (it's pronounced Ma-kos) means Little Bear. White Soldiers did not round up Ojibway People of southern Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio and march them to Kansas and Oklahoma. It was Seven Fires Prophesy! Around 100,000 or more Ojibway People from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio were ordered by their chiefs, to pack their belongings to commence a westward exodus. They were following prophesy which told them to migrate west! It occurred in 1838-1839. They reached Kansas and Oklahoma in 1839 and joined with Ojibway People who had already been living there for an extremely long time.

Read Lewis and Clark's Journals! An excerpt from their 1805 writings is below! The "a" represents the names of nations. They are Chippewa or Chippeway and the Wichita. The "b" represents ancient tribal names! The "c" represents nick names from Canadian traders. It's suspicious because they lived as far south as Texas. The "d" represents primitive languages. The "e" represents the number of their villages which indicates Lewis and Clark were not familiar with their entire domain. The "g" represents their number of soldiers. The "h" represents their population which Lewis and Clark used deception. The "o" represents a location to establish a trade post. They selected 3 forks of Arkansaw River or Missouri River or near Fort Benton, Montana. Read on! You'll learn about the deception! The "p" represents nations they are at war with. Strange because they are in alliance with the Pania Wichita People. The "r" represents the principle water courses they live adjacent to. The headwaters of Red River of the Mississippi River, is the Oklahoma-Texas Boundary. They wrote that Chippewa's were in an alliance with Pania (Wichita People). They eventually migrated into Texas, then northern Mexico. Many also migrated straight west to Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, and then southern California. Most fled to Mexico.

There are Black River Swan Creek Chippewa's in Oklahoma as well! On July 16, 1859 a treaty was reached with Black River and Swan Creek Chippewa leaders who included the Makoonse Family. They allowed Munsee Ojibway's, who were Christians, to settle with them. On July 19, 1866 they agreed by treaty, to relocate to Cherokee Reservation of Oklahoma. As mentioned, they are really Ojibway! It took nearly 40 years for them to migrate from the Franklin County, Kansas region, to Cherokee Reservation. In 1901, most that remained in Kansas, agreed to relocate to Cherokee Reservation. Below is an excerpt from a 1903 newspaper article. Read it carefully. Most came from Kansas and were under chief Rocky Boy's leadership.

53. a. (Chippaway tribe) Pania Pickey

b. (O jib a no)

c. (Sou teaux) Pania Pickey

d. (Chippaway)* Pania

e. 2

f. [blank]

g. 500

h. 2000

i. through n. [blank]

o. 3 Forks of Arkansaw

p. Little & Big Ossage Kanses & Panias

q. [blank]

r. on the head of Red River of Mississippi

These people have no intercourse with the inhabitants of the Illinois; the information, therefore, which I have been enabled to obtain, with respect to them, is very imperfect. They were formerly known by the name of the White Panias, and are of the same family with the Panias of the river Platte. They are said to be a well disposed people, and inhabit a very fertile country; certain it is that they enjoy a delightful climate.

[Ed: Here end both the printed statistical view and Clark's manuscript table in its full coverage. Number 53 might also be added to this category. In the additional space at the foot of the table, Clark added the following information on the Southern tribes.]

You now know there is a northern and southern Chippaway and Wichita. Historically they are known as the Northern Arapaho and Southern Arapaho and Northern Cheyenne and Southern Cheyenne. Clark was either deceitful or misinformed! Clark knew about these Ojibway People and the extent of their domain which is vast! He placed them at 53 or just after 52 which is about the Flathead People or Salish People and 51 which is about the Blackfeet People. The numbers from 54 to 72 are about southern tribes. As you read, he or they, wrote that number 53 which is listed as northern tribes, might also be added to southern tribes. Wichita People live from Kansas to Texas. So when Black River Swan Creek Chippewa's reached Kansas, they were welcomed by Ojibway People native to Kansas. American leaders had to negotiate with the native Ojibway's of Kansas and Oklahoma, about creating a large Reservation for the Ojibway's from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. A large portion of east Kansas was set aside to be an Ojibway Reservation. A map of it is below! Supposedly the 8,320 acre Ojibway Reservation is located where number 417 is. And much of Oklahoma as well. And you also read Clark's statement that "They Were Formerly Known By The Name Of The White Panias. Of course, you don't know about the Black Panias. This is from 1805! So blacks were living from Kansas to Texas in those times and before!

There are three groups of Black River Swan Creek Chippewa's. One is federally recognized in Michigan. We will research the other two. On May 9, 1836, an illegal treaty was signed between the Ojibway Nation and the United States. On November 17, 1807, the Black River and Swan Creek Chippewa's supposedly agreed to cede land and accept 4 Reservations. Ojibway leaders did not sign that November 17, 1807 Treaty. Why? War of 1812! Most of the major battles fought in the War of 1812, were fought in the domain of the Swan Creek and Black River Chippewa's. Their domain was located in southern Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and southern Ontario. After signing the illegal May 9, 1836 Treaty, Ojibway leaders were under the impression Reservations were created for them in their domain. They soon found out otherwise. These Ojibway's from Michigan and Ohio were very dangerous. They were yet powerful at that time. They were prophesy weary or followed prophesy. According to May 9, 1836's Treaty, after ceding the four Reservations, the Swan Creek and Black River Chippewa's were to receive an 8,320 acre Reservation west of the Mississippi or NW. of St. Anthony Falls which is located at Minneapolis, Minnesota. Now, that was just one of many discrepancies. Besides the illegal May 9, 1836 Treaty, we also have to include the September 26, 1833 Treaty for obvious reasons.

Black River and Swan Creek Chippewa's of Montana

Many migrated to Montana. There are non federally recognized Swan Creek and Black River Chippewa's in Montana trying to gain federal recognition. They are also known in Montana as the Northern Cheyenne. We only need to read about the Cheyenne Exodus of 1877-1879 to Montana, from Kansas and Oklahoma, to learn that the Northern Cheyenne are in fact the Swan Creek and Black River Chippewa's of Montana. After settling down in Montana, the Swan Creek and Black River Chippewa's, became upset after the United States forced their children to attend white boarding schools, where they were brainwashed or forced to lose their Ojibway Nationality. To hold onto their Ojibway Nationality, they took their children and left Crow-Northern Cheyenne Reservation. They eventually amalgamated with the Ojibway's led by chief Rocky Boy. They left after ceding their land with the signing of the September 26, 1833 Treaty. They moved to a 5 million acre Ojibway Reservation located in Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri. After the United States illegally eradicated the 5 million acre Ojibway Reservation on June 5, 1846, the Ojibway's followed prophesy and migrated west to what is now the Salt Lake City, Utah region. They also migrated to the region between Los Angeles and San Bernardino, California and Hawaii. Most fled to Mexico.


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