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Crow Indians

These people known as Crow Indian Tribe (actually Bungee and Bungi Tribe - more about that is below), originally lived in Manitoba, Minnesota and before those locations, Michigan and Ohio. Below are google earth photos of three of their communities. They are same people as Gros Ventre and Hidatsa People. Another name they are known by is Minnetaree. Both groups of Gros Ventre are Ojibway. In Montana, they are known as Falls Indians. That name is derived from Great Falls of the Missouri River. In 17th and 18th century, they were known as "People of the Falls." In those times they lived in Michigan near Sault Ste. Marie. A west migration caused by prophesy, led them to Manitoba and Devils Lake in North Dakota. However, a much earlier migration east happened in 16th century. These Ojibway's originally lived in Montana and Wyoming. 1832's Edinburgh Encyclopedia detailed an eastern migration of Lenni Lenape (they are really Ojibway) in which they took control of land from Missouri River to Atlantic Ocean. They followed prophesy and continued their west migration back to Montana and Wyoming. They are Ojibway. Sioux or Dakota People, got their names from Ojibway's. At Sault Ste. Marie (Sault is pronounced identically to Sioux), Ojibway People were very numerous. French or Italians, named them Sioux after first visiting where Sault Ste. Marie is in 1623. They named this location near Lake Superior, Sault de Gaston. In 1668, it was renamed Sault Ste. Marie. So we can trace origins of their name of Sioux, to 1623. Another Latin name Ojibway People are known by is Saulteaux. It's supposedly pronounced "Soe-Toe." Since you now know how "Sault" is pronounced, you than know that "Sault" in "Saulteaux," is pronounced as "Sioux." Correct pronunciation of "Saulteau or Saulteaux," is "Soot-toe." In Latin, "Sault" means "Rapids." Today, they continue to name Ojibway's living near Sault Ste. Marie, "Soo." Usually "Soo Tribe of Chippewa Indians." In Ojibway Language, their word for alliance is "Wi-do-ko-da-diw-in." That's how "Dakota" was put to use. It means allies.

Lewis and Clark named Crow People "Pahkees." It's an Ojibway word meaning "A Little." It's probably defined as "Drops," "Falls," "Sets," "Sheds," ect. This is origins of the name "Falls Indians." It should be pronounced "Pah-kee-e or Pan-gi-i or Bun-gee-e." Translated it means "Falls People or People of the Falls." Examples: Very Little - Pah-kee-she or Pan-gi-she or Bun-gee-she; We Are Very Little or We Are Very Few - Pah-kee-she-wa-gi-si-min or Pan-gi-she-wa-gi-si-min or Bun-gee-she-wa-gi-si-min. They have two ways of pronouncing it. They are "Pangi and Bungee." Three if you include Lewis and Clark's information! They are possibly Ojibway Nations western most citizens. However, Shoshone People are Ojibway so we will identify Crow People or Bungee People, as Ojibway Nations western most Plains citizens. They are a Lost Ojibway Tribe! Crow Indians live at Crow Reservation, Fort Belknap Reservation and Fort Berthold Reservation. They commenced to fighting with other Ojibway's over prophecy in 18th century or possibly early 19th century. They don't know who they are! They are completely brainwashed! It's not their fault. Below is a list of Crow Reservations. They will not follow prophecy and must be considered dangerous by Ojibway People.

Crow Reservation of Montana

They are also known as Hidatsa, Minnetaree and Gros Ventre. We know Gros Ventre are Algonquin including those Gros Ventre in North Dakota also known as Hidatsa and Minnetaree. Crow Reservation has been molested by American leaders. Whites own much of this Reservation. This part of Montana was "Pembina Ojibway Territory" according to Father Belcourt. He wrote that Pembina Ojibway Territory extended as far south as extreme southeast South Dakota near Nebraska, from Pembina, North Dakota, and over 500 miles west into western Montana and Wyoming. Below are links to google earth photos of Crow Agency. Nearly all of Crow Agency is located on "fee land" yet it's not doing well economically.

Area: 3,593 sq. mi. (including Northern Cheyenne Reservation's 690 sq. mi. or 1,180 sq. mi. it's total area is either 4,283 sq. mi. or 4,773 sq. mi.)

Population: 5,922 (it has a significant white population not included)

Language: Corrupted!

Crow Agency From Road

Crow Agency From Road

Crow Agency From Road

Crow Agency From Road

Crow Agency From Road

Crow Agency From Road

Crow Agency From Road

Crow Agency From Road

Crow Agency From Road

Crow Agency From Road

Fort Belknap Reservation of Montana

It was originally a part of the original Blackfeet Reservation. Crow People of this Reservation are known as River Crows. However, they are more properly known as Gros Ventre or Falls People or People of the Falls. In 1887 (it probably happened in 1873), Blackfeet Reservation was illegally reduced in size. Four much smaller Reservations were set aside. They are Blackfeet Reservation, Fort Assiniboine Indian Reservation, Fort Belknap Reservation and Fort Peck Reservation. Below are links to google earth photos of Fort Belknap Reservation's town of Fort Belknap Agency.

Area: 1,014 sq. mi. or 2,626 sq. km.

Population: is 2,851

Language: Corrupted!

Fort Belknap Agency From Road

Fort Belknap Agency From Road

Fort Belknap Agency From Road

Fort Belknap Agency From Road

Fort Belknap Agency From Road

Fort Belknap Agency From Road

Fort Belknap Agency From Road

Fort Belknap Agency From Road

Fort Berthold Reservation of North Dakota

This Reservation is somewhat unique because it has a Caddoan Population. Arikara People are Caddoan. A Caddoan People known as "Pania" were allied with Chippewa's in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas according to Lewis and Clark. They were especially fond of Panhandle of Texas yet their territory extended as far south as north Mexico. Fort Berthold Reservation is home to three Tribes. They are Crow or Hidatsa, Mandan and, of course, Arikara People. This part of North Dakota was "Pembina Ojibway Territory," according to Father Belcourt. Below are links to google earth photos of Fort Berthold Reservations town of Four Bears Village.

Area: 1,544 sq. mi. (much of this Reservation is owned by whites)

Population: 5,915 (it has a large white population)

Language: Corrupted!

Four Bears Village From Road

Four Bears Village From Road

Four Bears Village From Road

Four Bears Village From Road

Four Bears Village From Road

Four Bears Village From Road

Four Bears Village From Road

Four Bears Village From Road


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