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Hopi Indians
They are possibly related to other Pueblo Indians. Below are links to google earth photos of Hopi Indians village of Moenkopi. There could be evidence Hopi Indians don't speak a same language as other Pueblo Indians. Hopi Language is a dialect of Comanche-Shoshone (it's Ojibway Language) as is Ute Language. American leaders first established Navajo Reservation before Hopi Reservation. Navajo Reservation was really a land addition to Confederated Ute Reservation. That signifies it being a Ute Reservation. Hopi and Ute People speak a same language. Hopi or Moqui People, have been civilized for a very long time. They have been having problems with Navajo Reservation about land. Most people do not know about land additions to Navajo Reservation. On December 16, 1882, Hopi or Moki Reservation was created. This Hopi-Navajo land dispute is corrupt. Land additions to Navajo Reservation happened between 1878 and 1934. Nearly all of Confederated Ute Reservation was eradicated on November 9, 1878, except it's extreme south where Navajo Reservation is. On June 1, 1868, Navajo leaders supposedly ceded Hopi land in Arizona. That must have puzzled Hopi leaders. To learn more about this cover-up, we have to investigate two treaties. They are October 3, 1861's Treaty and February 12, 1874's Treaty. American's took possession of land in northwest Arizona without a formal purchase from Ojibway leaders. That means those treaties are illegal and must be resolved. It also involves land in California, Colorado, Nevada and Utah besides Arizona. Hopi Indians are this ancient conspiracy's center. Confederated Ute Reservation has largely been forgotten. As mentioned, it's a Ute Reservation and Ute People are very closely related to Hopi People. Chief Rocky Boy sent a letter to President Roosevelt on January 14, 1902 telling him he was leader of Ojibway's in Montana and other States (some of those other States include Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah) that did not have Reservations. He requested for new Ojibway Reservations yet was denied. He then requested that his Ojibway Subjects be allowed to settle on land not surveyed. They accepted his proposal. Those land additions to that portion of Confederated Ute Reservation known as Navajo Reservation, were for Ojibway's led by chief Rocky Boy. They happened between 1900 and 1934. That is how this fued commenced. Hopi Indians are traditionalists. They must not ignore prophecy including Seven Fires Prophecy. They are descended from Ojibway invaders from 1,500 to 2,000 years ago. Much of their 2.5 million acre or 3,906 sq. mi. Reservation was taken from them and given to Navajo's. Hopi Indians leaders would not have accepted a land cession involving their ancient village of Moenkopi. Today, Moenkopi is adjacent to Tuba City. Hopi Indians prevented Italians and Spaniards from subjugating them. They remained defiant. Some Hopi parents were sent to prison for not sending their children to white boarding schools where they were brainwashed. I'm not certain yet suspect Moenkopi and Tuba City is Hopi Reservations western boundary.
Moenkopi Road View
Moenkopi Road View
Moenkopi Road View
Moenkopi Road View
Moenkopi Road View
Moenkopi Road View
Moenkopi Road View
Moenkopi Road View
Moenkopi Road View
Hopi Reservation
Size: 3,906 sq. mi.
On-Reservation Population: 6,946 (2000 census)
Language: Corrupted