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Nez Perce Indians
According to a website about Algonquian People or Anishinabe People, a small portion of Anishinabek who lived near Lake Nipissing in Ontario, are known as Amikwa. Below are links to google earth photos of Nez Perce Indians Reservation town of Lapwai and an 1868 map of Nez Perce Reservation correct boundaries. Amikwa means Beavers or possibly Beaver People in Ojibway Language. Though "Amikwa" looks like it's pronounced as A-mik-wa, it may not be. It could possibly be pronounced as A-mi-ka. They are an Ojibway Totem within their Hunter Totem or Gaossed Dodim. Whites commenced to calling these Ojibway's living near Lake Nipissing, Nez Perce. It means Pierced Nose. In Ojibway it's Pag-wa-de Jaanch or Pierced Nose. In French it's Nay Per-say or Nose Pierced. According to 1832's Edinburgh Encyclopedia, Ojibway's forced their way north to Hudson Bay and Beaufort Sea and gave rise to Chipewyan Indians, Copper Indians, Cree Indians and Dogrib Indians.
So after initial contact in 17th century, these Ojibway's known as Amikwa, lived east of Lake Superior or near Lake Nipissing. In response to whites and their Eskimo allies establishing forts along James Bay and Hudson Bay, Ojibway leaders sent many of their people to Hudson Bay and Beaufort Sea. Ojibway leaders knew Eskimos were being sent to locations along Beaufort Sea, between McKenzie River Delta and Hudson Bay. A long war commenced. Ojibway leaders sent all their major totems to Hudson Bay and Beaufort Sea. An action of theirs they later regretted. They should have only sent their military and police totem to Hudson Bay and Beaufort Sea. In 18th century, Hudson Bay Company commenced to calling these Ojibway's known as Amikwa and Nez Perce Indians, Cree. However, they more frequently called them Beaver Indians and also Keskatchewan Indians. Instead of remaining loyal to Ojibway Nation, these Amikwa or Nez Perce Ojibway's were lured to HBC trade posts to trade. Main trade item were Beaver Pelts. They commenced to side with whites and their Eskimo allies. It enraged Ojibway leaders who then sent greater numbers of reinforcements to Hudson Bay and Beaufort Sea. By 1771, Northern Ojibway's had forced their way far north of Lake Winnipeg. Exactly when they reached Beaufort Sea is not known. Ojibway Soldiers kept those idiotic Amikwa Ojibway's and their white and Eskimo allies confined to locations near Hudson Bay and James Bay. However, groups of Beaver Indians (Amikwa Ojibway's) or Nez Perce Indians and some whites and Eskimos, forced their way west to what is now Saskatchewan. They also forced their way south to locations near Lake Winnipeg's west shores. They did so to eventually establish HBC Forts.
In 1774, whites from HBC Forts, forced their way to where Cumberland House, Saskatchewan is and established their first inland fort. Ojibway Soldiers from southwest and east, launched assaults on Beaver Indians or Nez Perce Indians near Cumberland House and commenced to driving them west into Alberta and British Columbia. Those Beaver Indians or Nez Perce Indians hiding out west of Lake Winnipeg, helped whites invade southern Manitoba. Ojibway Soldiers subjugated them during War of 1812. 1817's Selkirk Treaty ended hostilities and Ojibway leaders set aside a small colony (Red River Colony) in southern Manitoba and North Dakota and Minnesota, for whites and their Beaver Indians (aka Nez Perce Indians) and Eskimo allies. They subjugated them until 1869. In Alberta and British Columbia, Nez Perce Indians (aka Beaver Indians) continued their alliance with whites and Eskimos. Though better known as Cree, they must be known as Beaver Indians and Nez Perce Indians. They are a very small Ojibway Tribe. They have three Reserves in Alberta and several in British Columbia. Included as Beaver Indians are Sekani and T'suu Tina or Sarcee. Nez Perce Indians of Idaho speak a different language yet they may be a southern group of Beaver Indians. So we can't exclude them. We have to include them as being traitors. Nez Perce Reservation of Idaho has been severely molested by American leaders. If they are in fact from Beaver Indians, it means they were allies of whites.
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View
Lapwai Road View