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Wahpekute Indians

These people known as Wahpekute Indian Tribe, originally lived in Minnesota. Some lived at Mille Lacs. They are Ojibway. Exactly when they commenced to fighting among each other is not known. What caused their civil war was prophecy. Wahpekute Indians are a part of Santee Dakota's. Sioux or Dakota People, got their names from Ojibway's. At Sault Ste. Marie (Sault is pronounced identically to Sioux), Ojibway People were very numerous. French or Italians, named them Sioux after first visiting where Sault Ste. Marie is in 1623. They named this location near Lake Superior, Sault de Gaston. In 1668, it was renamed Sault Ste. Marie. So we can trace origins of their name of Sioux, to 1623. Another Latin name Ojibway People are known by is Saulteaux. It's supposedly pronounced "Soe-Toe." Since you now know how "Sault" is pronounced, you than know that "Sault" in "Saulteaux" is pronounced as "Sioux." Correct pronunciation of "Saulteau or Saulteaux" is "Soot-toe." In Latin, "Sault" means "Rapids." Today, they continue to name Ojibway's living near Sault Ste. Marie "Soo." Usually "Soo Tribe of Chippewa Indians." Wahpekute Indians will deny it. In Ojibway Language, their word for alliance is "Wi-do-ko-da-di-win." That's how "Dakota" was put to use. It means allies. Dakota or Sioux People, are a lost cause. They commenced to fighting with other Ojibway's over prophecy in either 18th century or possibly as early as 17th century. They don't know who they are. They are completely brainwashed. It's not their fault. Wahpekute Indians live mainly at Lake Traverse Reservation and Santee Reservation which are lost causes. They did not participate in 1862's Minnesota's Indian War. Mille Lacs Ojibway's stayed out of that conflict. Below is a list of Dakota or Sioux Reservations and Reserves including those of Wahpekute Indians, in Canada and United States. I did not include "Assiniboine Indians" because there's evidence they are Ojibway. Dakota People will not follow prophecy and must be considered dangerous by Ojibway People.

Santee Reservation of Nebraska

It has been severely molested by American leaders. It was created on March 3, 1863. It's located adjacent to South Dakota. They originally lived around Mille Lacs in Minnesota. As a result of prophecy, Ojibway People became incapable of keeping their nation together. One side wanted peace with whites, while a majority wanted to fight whites to save their race. They were traditionalists that followed prophecy. They drove those Ojibway's that did not follow prophecy, from Mille Lacs region. They were in an alliance with American's. Ojibway People considered them traitors. Wahpekute Indians are a part of Santee Dakota Traitors. Others include Mdewakanton, Sisseton and Wahpeton. They liked to call themselves Dakota. They stopped all Ojibway customs, especially their totemic system. We don't know for certain when Ojibway People of Minnesota, started fighting among themselves. Below are links to google earth photos of Santee which is Santee Reservations main community.

Covers 173 sq. mi.

Population is 878 (it has a large white population)

Language is Corrupted

Map of Santee Reservation of Nebraska

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Lake Traverse Reservation of North Dakota and South Dakota
Covers 1,449 sq. mi. (nearly all is owned by whites - this Reservation is a lost cause)
Population is predominantly white.
Language is Corrupted

Winnebago Reservation of Nebraska

It has been severely molested by American leaders. It was created in 1865 when a land addition was added to Omaha Reservation on March 8, 1865 for Winnebago Indians. It's adjacent to Omaha Reservation on OR's north. Both Omaha's and Winnebago's originally lived within a 5 million acre Ojibway Reservation in Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri. It was a few miles east of this Reservation, in Monona County, Iowa. It was created on September 26, 1833 and eradicated on June 5, 1846. Most Ojibway's migrated to Mexico. However, many settled in Kansas, especially south of Ottawa, Kansas. It's possible some left their Kansas homes and migrated north to Nebraska. Below are links to google earth photos of Winnebago which is Winnebago Reservations most important community.

Covers 173 sq. mi.

Population is 2,341 (it has a large white population)

Language is Corrupted

Map of Omaha-Winnebago Reservation

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Winnebago Road Close Up

Crow Creek Reservation of South Dakota

Crow Creek Reservation was created for Winnebago Indians on February 21, 1863. And they did relocate to this South Dakota Reservation and remained. They did not relocate to Omaha Reservation. On July 1, 1863, a land addition was added to Crow Creek Reservation. It was not ceded on March 8, 1865. On it's west is Lower Brule Reservation. This part of South Dakota was "Pembina Ojibway Territory" according to father Belcourt. Below are links to google earth photos of CCR's town of Fort Thompson.

Covers 422 sq. mi.

Population is 1,756

Language is Corrupted

Map of Crow Creek Reservation

Fort Thompson Road Close Up

Fort Thompson Road Close Up

Fort Thompson Road Close Up

Fort Thompson Road Close Up

Fort Thompson Road Close Up

Fort Thompson Road Close Up

Fort Thompson Road Close Up

Fort Thompson Road Close Up

Fort Thompson Road Close Up

Fort Thompson Road Close Up

Winnebago Reservation of Wisconsin
Covers 5.0 sq. mi.
Population is 700
Language is Corrupted

Yankton Reservation of South Dakota

It's been molested by American leaders. Only one town which is Marty, is predominantly Indian. All others are either predominantly white or slightly more Indian than white. This Reservation is a lost cause. This part of South Dakota was "Pembina Ojibway Territory" according to father Belcourt. Below are links to google earth photos of Marty.

Covers 666 sq. mi.

Population is 6,269

Language is Corrupted

Map of Yankton Reservation

Marty Road Close Up

Marty Road Close Up

Marty Road Close Up

Marty Road Close Up

Marty Road Close Up

Marty Road Close Up

Marty Road Close Up

Marty Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Reservation of South Dakota and Nebraska

Most of Pine Ridge Reservation is owned by Pine Ridge Reservation. However, a significant portion (almost 25%) of this Reservation has been opened to white settlement as you'll see on this Reservations map. There are areas where "fee land" is located. Some or much of Pine Ridge CDP, is located on "fee land." It means it's land that's subject to city, county, State and Federal Taxes. Pine Ridge CDP is a fine looking small CDP or census designated place. It has quite a few businesses yet for a settlement with a population of over 3,000, it should have many more businesses. Could be because most of Pine Ridge CDP is located on "Trust Lant." It's land that is not subject to city, county, State and Federal Taxes. This part of South Dakota was "Pembina Ojibway Territory" according to father Belcourt. Below are links to photos of PRR's town of Pine Ridge.

Covers (originally before being molested) 4,353 sq. mi.

Population is 12,215

Language is Corrupted

Map of Pine Ridge Reservation

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Pine Ridge Town Road Close Up

Rosebud Reservation of South Dakota

This Reservation has been severely molested by American leaders. It used to extend to Missouri River in South Dakota. Nearly of Rosebud Reservation is now located in Todd County, South Dakota. There are many off-Reservation land allotments, with most located in Mellette County, South Dakota. Others are located in Lyman, Tripp and Gregory Counties in South Dakota. This part of South Dakota was "Pembina Ojibway Territory" according to father Belcourt. Below are links to google earth photos of RR's town of Rosebud.

Covers (originally before being molested) 5,200 sq. mi.

Population is 9,696

Language is Corrupted

Map of Rosebud Reservation

Rosebud Road Close Up

Rosebud Road Close Up

Rosebud Road Close Up

Rosebud Road Close Up

Rosebud Road Close Up

Rosebud Road Close Up

Rosebud Road Close Up

Rosebud Road Close Up

Cheyenne River Reservation of South Dakota

Though it has Cheyenne as it's nations name, white historians supposedly named this Reservation after a river with a same name. It's original north boundary was Grand River. From southwest to northeast, it used to extend over 100 miles. Standing Rock Resevation is located adjacent to Cheyenne River Reservation on it's south. However, CRR's north boundary is further south now. Both Reservations have been severely molested by American leaders, especially SRR. This part of South Dakota was "Pembina Ojibway Territory" according to father Belcourt. Below are links to google earth photos of CRR's town of Eagle Butte which is doing good economically as a result of being located mainly on "fee land."

Covers (it originally was larger) 4,267 sq. mi.

Population is 8,470 (it has a large white population)

Language is Corrupted

Map of Cheyenne River Reservation

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Eagle Butte Road Close Up

Standing Rock Reservation of North Dakota and South Dakota

Standing Rock Reservation is famous for being home to chief Sitting Bull. However, chief Sitting Bull was not from SRR. He was from Montana. It's original south boundary was Grand River. Standing Rock Resevation is located adjacent to Cheyenne River Reservation on it's south. However, CRR's north boundary is further south now. Both Reservations have been severely molested by American leaders, especially SRR. This part of South Dakota was "Pembina Ojibway Territory" according to father Belcourt. Below are links to google earth photos of SRR's town of Fort Yates.

Covers (it was originally smaller) 3,572 sq. mi.

Population is 4,044 (it has a large white population)

Language is Corrupted

Map of Standing Rock Reservation

Fort Yates Road Close Up

Fort Yates Road Close Up

Fort Yates Road Close Up

Fort Yates Road Close Up

Fort Yates Road Close Up

Fort Yates Road Close Up

Fort Yates Road Close Up

Fort Yates Road Close Up

Fort Yates Road Close Up

Fort Yates Road Close Up

Crow Reservation of Montana

They are also known as Hidatsa, Minnetaree and Gros Ventre. We know Gros Ventre are Algonquin including those Gros Ventre in North Dakota also known as Hidatsa and Minnetaree. I should not include Crow Indians as being Dakota. They were like those Dakota People in South Dakota. They were friendly towards whites. In fact, they sided with American's during wars against Ojibway Nation which enraged Ojibway leaders. Crow Reservation has been molested by American leaders. Whites own much of this Reservation. This part of Montana was "Pembina Ojibway Territory" according to father Belcourt. He wrote that Pembina Ojibway Territory extended as far south as extreme southeast South Dakota near Nebraska, from Pembina, North Dakota, and over 500 miles west into western Montana and Wyoming. Below are links to google earth photos of Crow Agency. Nearly all of Crow Agency is located on "fee land" yet it's not doing well economically.

Covers 3,593 sq. mi. (including Northern Cheyenne Reservation's 690 sq. mi. or 1,180 sq. mi. it's total area is either 4,283 sq. mi. or 4,773 sq. mi.)

On-Reservation population is 5,922 (it has a significant white population not included)

Language is Corrupted

Map of Crow Reservation

Crow Agency Road Close Up

Crow Agency Road Close Up

Crow Agency Road Close Up

Crow Agency Road Close Up

Crow Agency Road Close Up

Crow Agency Road Close Up

Crow Agency Road Close Up

Crow Agency Road Close Up

Crow Agency Road Close Up

Crow Agency Road Close Up

Lower Brule Dakota Reservation of South Dakota

On October 14, 1865, Lower Brule Reservation was added to Crow Creek Reservation for Winnebago Indians. It's not a distinct Reservation as you'll see on a map of Crow Creek-Lower Brule Reservation below. This part of South Dakota was "Pembina Ojibway Territory" according to father Belcourt. Below are links to google earth photos of LBR's town of Lower Brule.

Covers 339 sq. mi.

Population is 1,123

Language is Corrupted

Map of Crow Creek Reservation

Lower Brule Road Close Up

Lower Brule Road Close Up

Lower Brule Road Close Up

Lower Brule Road Close Up

Lower Brule Road Close Up

Lower Brule Road Close Up

Lower Brule Road Close Up

Lower Brule Road Close Up

Fort Berthold Reservation of North Dakota

This Reservation is somewhat unique because it has a Caddoan Population. Arikara People are Caddoan. A Caddoan People known as "Pania" were allied with Chippewa's in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas according to Lewis and Clark. They were especially fond of Panhandle of Texas yet their territory extended as far south as north Mexico. Fort Berthold Reservation is home to three Tribes. They are Hidatsa (aka as Gros Ventre and Minnetaree), Mandan who are Dakota, and of course, Arikara People. Only reason i included this Reservation is Mandan People. This part of North Dakota was "Pembina Ojibway Territory" according to father Belcourt. Below are links to google earth photos of FBR's town of New Town.

Covers 1,544 sq. mi. (much of this Reservation is owned by whites)

Population is 5,915 (it has a large white population)

Language is Corrupted

Map of Fort Berthold Reservation

New Town Road Close Up

New Town Road Close Up

New Town Road Close Up

New Town Road Close Up

New Town Road Close Up

New Town Road Close Up

New Town Road Close Up

New Town Road Close Up

New Town Road Close Up

New Town Road Close Up

Fort Peck Reservation of Montana

Boundaries of this Reservation are incorrect. Very little land north of Missouri River is within Fort Peck Reservation. It was created on April 13, 1875. It was set aside for Blackfeet, Blood, Crow, Gros Ventre and Piegan Peoples. It was not set aside for Dakota People. On July 13, 1880, they reduced FPR's size. In 1909, American leaders added old Fort Buford Reservation to Fort Peck Reservation. It was for chief Rocky Boy's Montana Ojibway's. On August 20, 1909 it was reported in Norfolk weekly news-journal that Professor J. F. Armstrong of Faulkton, South Dakota, was assigned a duty of proceeding to Helena, Montana to take charge of chief Rocky Boy's turbulent band of 120 Chippewa's and make arrangements for relocating them to a territory 400 miles from Helena. Trenton, North Dakota is 400 miles from Helena. It's headline read Rocky Boy to Dakota. This Reservation has been severely molested by American leaders. No one at Fort Peck Reservation knows FPR's correct boundaries. This part of Montana and North Dakota was "Pembina Ojibway Territory" according to father Belcourt. I should not include this Reservation as being a Dakota Reservation. Below are links to google earth photos of Trenton, North Dakota which is an Ojibway town.

Covers anywhere between 3,000 and 5,000 sq. mi.

Population is over 7,000

Language is Corrupted

Map of Fort Peck Reservations Correct Boundaries

Trenton Road Close Up

Trenton Road Close Up

Trenton Road Close Up

Trenton Road Close Up

Trenton Road Close Up

Trenton Road Close Up

Trenton Road Close Up

Trenton Road Close Up

Trenton Road Close Up

Trenton Road Close Up

Trenton Road Close Up

Trenton Road Close Up

Trenton Road Close Up

Trenton Road Close Up

Omaha Reservation of Iowa and Nebraska

It has been severely molested by American leaders. It was created on March 16, 1854. A land addition was added to Omaha Reservation on March 8, 1865 for Winnebago Indians. It's adjacent to Omaha Reservation on OR's north. Both Omaha's and Winnebago's originally lived within a 5 million acre Ojibway Reservation in Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri. It was a few miles east of this Reservation, in Monona County, Iowa. It was created on September 26, 1833 and eradicated on June 5, 1846. Most Ojibway's migrated to Mexico. However, many settled in Kansas, especially south of Ottawa, Kansas. It's possible some left their Kansas homes and migrated north to Nebraska. Below are links to google earth photos of Walthill which is Omaha Reservations most important community.

Covers 312 sq. mi.

Population is 5,227 (it has a large white population)

Language is Corrupted

Map of Omaha-Winnebago Reservation

Walthill Road Close Up

Walthill Road Close Up

Walthill Road Close Up

Walthill Road Close Up

Walthill Road Close Up

Walthill Road Close Up

Walthill Road Close Up

Walthill Road Close Up

Walthill Road Close Up

Walthill Road Close Up

Walthill Road Close Up

Walthill Road Close Up

Spirit Lake Reservation of North Dakota

It has been molested by American leaders. Much of Spirit Lake (Manito Gami in Ojibway) Reservation is owned by whites. Ojibway leader chief Red Bear, claimed most of this Reservation's land area as his. He claimed a portion of his domain commenced at Stump Lake then went in a line to Grahams Island. From Grahams Island, it went in a south line to Sheyenne River which is this Reservations south boundary. I should not include this Reservation as being Dakota. This part of North Dakota was "Pembina Ojibway Territory" according to father Belcourt. There is a Great Lake forming between Lakes Manitoba and Winnipeg in Manitoba, that will spread south along Red River in Minnesota and North Dakota. Though they've named this body of water Lake Agasiz and think it's history, they are wrong. This lake is a new Great Lake that will be much larger than any other Great Lake. From north to south, it will extend from well north of Nelson River in Manitoba, south to Lake Traverse in Minnesota and South Dakota. Whites have known about this forming lake since 1823. It will spread west to Devil's Lake and further west and east possibly merging with Lake Superior. All peoples in that region, will eventually have to leave in a future time. Below are links to google earth photos of Fort Totten which is Spirit Lake Reservations most important community.

Covers 495 sq. mi.

Population is 4,435 (it has a large white population)

Language is Corrupted

Map of Spirit Lake Reservation

Fort Totten Road Close Up

Fort Totten Road Close Up

Fort Totten Road Close Up

Fort Totten Road Close Up

Fort Totten Road Close Up

Fort Totten Road Close Up

Fort Totten Road Close Up

Fort Totten Road Close Up

Fort Totten Road Close Up

Fort Totten Road Close Up

Ponca Reservation of Nebraska
Covers 27,500 acres or
Population 2,500
Language is Corrupted

Catawba Reservation of South Carolina
Covers 1.1 sq. mi.
Population is 174
Language is Corrupted

Flandreau Santee Sioux Reservation of South Dakota
Covers 3.5 sq. mi.
Population is 279
Language is Corrupted

Iowa Reservation of Kansas and Nebraska
Covers 19 sq. mi.
Popluation is 172
Language is Corrupted

Lower Sioux Community of Minnesota
Covers 2.7 sq. mi.
Population is 259
Language is Corrupted

Prairie Island Dakota Community of Minnesota
Covers 0.8 sq. mi.
Population is 60
Language is Corrupted

Shakopee Community of Minnesota
Covers 0.5 sq. mi.
Population is 203
Language is Corrupted

Upper Sioux Commuity of Minnesota
Covers 1.2 sq. mi.
Population is 49
Language is Corrupted

Birdtail Dakota - Manitoba
29.07 sq. km. or 7,183 acres
Population is 345
Language is Corrupted

Canupawakpa Dakota - Manitoba
10.50 sq. km. or 2,594 acres
Population is 303
Language is Corrupted

Dakota Plains - Manitoba
5.40 sq. km. or 1,334 acres
Population is 108
Language is Corrupted

Dakota Tipi - Manitoba
0.38 sq. km. or 93 acres
Population is 156
Language is Corrupted

Sioux Valley - Manitoba
38.15 sq. km. or 9,437 acres
Population is 1,079
Language is Corrupted

Osage Reservation of Oklahoma - it may be Cherokee Tribal Jurisdictional Service Area of Oklahoma
Covers 339 sq. mi.
Population is 1,123
Language is Corrupted


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