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Shoshone Ojibwa's | Ojibwa Tribes
Dodson, Montana
This town is located on northeastern fringe (almost a border town) of Fort Belknap Reservation. Below are several links to google earth photos of the Ojibway city of Dodson, Montana. The 2010 population of Dodson was 124. Native Americans including mixed bloods and Latinos, make up 58% of it's population. Whites make up 42% of it's population. A total of 71 housing units (there's probably 80 or more housing units yet some are vacant) are in Dodson town which gives Dodson a 1.8 persons per housing unit average. Dodson covers 0.2 sq. mi. or 0.5 sq. km. Zip code is 59524. Elevation is 2,287 feet above sea level or 697 meters above sea level. About 29% of it's citizens live below poverty line. Dodson's west portion is better off. It's streets are paved. In contrast, Dodson's east portion has many unpaved streets. Fort Belknap Reservation is 1.8 miles or 2.9 kilometers from Dodson Town.
Dodson Satellite Image
Dodson Entrance
Dodson From Road
Dodson From Road
Dodson From Road
Dodson From Road
Dodson From Road
Dodson From Road
Dodson From Road
Dodson From Road
Dodson From Road
Dodson From Road