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Shoshone Ojibwa's | Ojibwa Tribes

Alexis First Nation

This community known as Alexis First Nation, is located about 35 miles northwest of Edmonton, Alberta. They probably lived further east at a large Ojibwa Reserve set aside at the Bear Hills (whites name them Beaver Hills) east of Edmonton up to North Saskatchewan River and included land adjacent to and north of North Saskatchewan River east to Big Bears Battleford Agency Ojibwa Reserve. Bear Hills or Beaver Hills are not really hills. Many small lakes are scattered throughout the region with scattered woodlands near them. Nice location for beavers yet over trapping nearly killed them off after Fort Edmonton was built in 1795. Ojibwa Soldiers patrolled the region which kept the Beaver Tribe (Ojibwa Traitors) weary about trapping at that location. After the revolver was invented in the 1830's that changed attitudes. Many Montana Ojibwa's fled to Canada during 1876-1877's Montana War. Chief Big Bear agreed to relocate them north where large Ojibwa Reserves were set aside adjacent to and north of North Saskatchewan River at Alberta and Saskatchewan. The Bear Hills or Beaver Hills were included as being a part of the Reserve. Not long after treaty 6 created the vast Ojibwa Reserves, whites commenced to demanding that the Reserves be eradicated. Some whites went down to chief Rocky Boys Reservation Agency near what is now Cascade, Montana where Louis Riel worked as a teacher and requested for his support in colonizing the vast Ojibwa Reserves at Alberta and Saskatchewan. That he agreed to. His actions led to 1885's Northwest Rebellion and his execution for instigating that conflict. Much smaller Ojibwa Reserves were set aside west of Edmonton after 1885's Northwest Rebellion. They include: Alexis; Alexander; Michel Calahoo; Paspaschase and Paul. Enoch was always on their own. Long had they lived at Fort Edmonton and caused Ojibwa People serious trouble. Hudson Bay Company Staff often referred to these idiotic Ojibwa's as the Home Guard Cree. Their addiction to alcohol and drugs supplied to them by whites, caused them to pimp their women and kill off wild game and fight Ojibwa's. Worse, they willingly fished and hunted to provide food to Hudson Bay Company Trade Posts. In exchange they'd get their "Fix." Thus, they obtained the name from HBC staff Home Guard Cree.

The Beaver Tribe (Ojibwa Traitors) had lived at and around Fort Edmonton since 1795. On their west were the Sekani Tribe who are the western Beaver Tribe. Besides being known as Sekani, they are also known as Assiniboine and possibly Sarcee and Siksika. However, they are the western Beaver Tribe (Ojibwa Traitors). White leaders are fooling citizens of Alexis by claiming they are Nakota or Assiniboine. The Assiniboine are the Sekani who are the western Beaver Tribe. Below is information that will educate you. Look at the maps very carefully. Today Chipewyan People live north of Churchill River from Churchill, Manitoba to northeast Saskatchewan. Many of the Beaver Tribe who continued to live at and around Edmonton were forced to relocate to the Reserves west of Edmonton. Even Enoch lost some it's Reserve land. Total on-Reserve population of small Alexis Reserve is 770 according to 2021's census. Their community is located adjacent to Lac Ste. Anne which is 11 miles north of the Wabamun Lake Ojibwa's. They are related to Ojibwa's from Sharphead Reserve which is a part of Bobtail, Ermineskin, Louis Bull, Montana and Samson Reserve. Bobtail and Sharphead Reserves were set aside for Montana Ojibwa's in 1897. Many moved to other Reserves including Alexis and Paul because Canada refused to honor agreements. Cree (aka Beaver and Keskatchewan) People are really the Athabascan Beaver Tribe. There are no Cree First Nations at Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec! Below the photos are excerpts from very old books that will help you learn information on this page! Look for the 18th century maps. Instead of south to north they are from southeast to northwest. Churchill River is the north boundary. A few Assiniboine and Cree lived west of Lake Winnipeg but were driven to the northwest by 1800 by Ojibwa Soldiers. Churchill River was a boundary used in the 18th century. From Churchill, Manitoba to South Indian Lake, Manitoba to Sandy Bay, Saskatchewan to Buffalo Narrows, Saskatchewan where the source of Churchill River is, this river flows for 1,000 miles. It's source is Churchill Lake, Saskatchewan. All land north of Churchill River is Chipewyan land. Chipewyan is the correct pronunciation of O Chib-bwan or Chib-bwan which means "The Originals and Originals in Ojibwa Language."


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